im trying to change the icon options, such as iconUrl and iconSize. thought the documentation only refers to the react library which as no relation to the dash implementation on how to generate the icon dict.
for example to change polygon options it says to change the 'shapeOptions' and it works.
but for icon it says 'icon: new MyCustomMarker()' and no explenation on what it means dash python wise.
could you provide an example on how to change the marker being drawn?
im trying to change the icon options, such as iconUrl and iconSize. thought the documentation only refers to the react library which as no relation to the dash implementation on how to generate the icon dict.
for example to change polygon options it says to change the 'shapeOptions' and it works. but for icon it says 'icon: new MyCustomMarker()' and no explenation on what it means dash python wise.
could you provide an example on how to change the marker being drawn?