emilianavt / VSeeFaceSDK

The VSeeFace SDK for Unity is used to export models in the VSFAvatar format.
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I'm completely lost on how to add a toggle prop using your tutorial #3

Closed junebug12851 closed 3 years ago

junebug12851 commented 3 years ago

All Im looking for is a way to toggle a prop on and off manually through a VSeeFace hotkey. In your tutorial here, you explain a complex system involving many levels of components, scripts, animations, and animation controllers that trigger an enable animation which auto-disables after a while.

What I'm looking for is just to enable and disable myself which would probably be a lot simpler.

But you also say

we just need a simple animation that will enable the "Enabler" object, which can be triggered through the VSF_Animations component.

But all information on this is completely skipped, I don't know what VSF_Animations is or where to go or where to add it, and in the 2 images you share I see an animation "HiddenSphereEnablerOn" but, what is this? It looks different than the rest and all I see is Enabler: Ga?[1] but I don't know what that is.

In the other image I see a blendshape called Timedtoggle but I don't know what that is either or where to find or create it, Does IK disabled when active apply to props or is that reccomended for props? What are the blend shapes?

When I go to the next paragraph to help my confusion it's already moved on to VSeeFace. Ive re-read this tutorial for about a week and looked at the 2 images trying to decypher them and I can't figure any of this out. Theres no wiki or help anywhere else and no blogs, forums, or YT tutorials anywhere I could find on VSF SDK. So Im very lost and don't know where or who I'm supposed to ask questions like this too.

emilianavt commented 3 years ago

Hi, I already responded to the tweet over there. VSF_Animations is the main component from the VSF SDK used for creating vsfavatar files and allows assigning animations to VRM based expressions. TimedToggle is a new expression created on the VRM blend shape proxy. HiddenSphereEnablerOn is another new animation bound to the expression.

If you are just trying to toggle a simple prop on and off, you probably don't need the method described in that post. In that case, you can just add the prop as a disabled game object, create a two frame animation that sets it to enabled and add this animation on the VSF_Animations component from the SDK, which allows binding it to an expression hotkey.

For resources about how to use the SDK, you can take a look at Deat's introduction video and Suvidriel's tutorial series. You could also try joining Virtual_Deat's rock platform discord. There's the #vseeface channel and usually people are quite helpful.

junebug12851 commented 3 years ago

tysm ^^ for the great response and please keep everything going well, good luck with everything ^_^