emilianavt / VSeeFaceSDK

The VSeeFace SDK for Unity is used to export models in the VSFAvatar format.
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Warnings installing VSF SDK v1.13.38c in Unity 2202.3.17f1 #44

Open djtigon opened 6 months ago

djtigon commented 6 months ago

VSeeFaceSDK package: VSF_SDK_v1.13.38c.unitypackage Unity Version: 2202.3.17f1

When installing the VSF SDK console provides the following info and warning messages.

None of these are blocking, but I thought I'd report in case you were unaware of issues with Big Buck Bunny and the DeterministicAssetBundle.

! Warning!: Assets\VSF SDK\Editor\BasicExporter.cs(49,101): warning CS0618: 'BuildAssetBundleOptions.DeterministicAssetBundle' is obsolete: 'This has been made obsolete. It is always enabled in the new AssetBundle build system introduced in 5.0.'

Info: Unexpected timestamp values detected. This can occur in H.264 videos not encoded with the baseline profile. Timestamps will be skewed to correct the playback for C:/Users/xxxxx/My project/Assets/VSF SDK/Sample 2/Video/Big_Buck_Bunny_360_10s_1MB.mp4

!Warning!: Color primaries 0 is unknown or unsupported by WindowsMediaFoundation. Falling back to default may result in color shift. C:/Users/Tigon/My project/Assets/VSF SDK/Sample 2/Video/Big_Buck_Bunny_360_10s_1MB.mp4

Malachiel87 commented 6 months ago

i tried also exporting, it don't work, exported it with 2022.3.6f1 unity image

emilianavt commented 6 months ago

Only Unity 2019.4.31f1 is supported. This is a hard requirement (although other 2019.4 versions might work).

Regarding the Big Buck Bunny issue, I believe reencoding it to H.264 baseline profile might help.