emiliodallatorre / flutter_rtmp_broadcaster

Publisher to rtmp using the camera plugin as a basis to do all the basic camera/record management.
MIT License
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Local Recording Functionality During Network Instability #16

Open codestorycooked opened 1 month ago

codestorycooked commented 1 month ago

I'm interested in using the rtmp_broadcaster plugin for RTMP streaming with local recording functionality. My question is regarding the behavior of local recording during network instability or outages.

Can the rtmp_broadcaster plugin reliably record the video stream locally even when the network connection to the RTMP server is unstable or completely down?

If local recording can function during network issues, are there any specific configurations or considerations I should be aware of?

Expected Behavior:

I expect the local recording to continue uninterrupted even if the network connection to the RTMP server deteriorates or fails entirely.