emilk / loguru

A lightweight C++ logging library
The Unlicense
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Is there any option to turn off printing to stdout? #177

Closed marethyu closed 3 years ago

marethyu commented 3 years ago

I prefer to have everything logged to a file while not printing anything to stdout. I tried different verbosity options and none of them prevents printing to stdout. Perhaps, this option doesn't exist?

SpaceCheetah commented 3 years ago

It prints to stderr, not stdout. As for disabling logging to stderr, you can do loguru::g_stderr_verbosity = loguru::Verbosity_OFF;

marethyu commented 3 years ago

@SpaceCheetah I tried that. This is my code

#include "loguru.hpp"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    loguru::init(argc, argv);
    loguru::add_file("everything.log", loguru::Append, loguru::Verbosity_MAX);
    loguru::g_stderr_verbosity = loguru::Verbosity_OFF;
    LOG_F(INFO, "Doing some stuff...");
    return 0;

It still prints to stderr. Even if I try to unset all of these variables

    Verbosity g_stderr_verbosity  = 0;    // 0 (INFO) by default.
    bool      g_colorlogtostderr  = true; // If you don't want color in your terminal.
    unsigned  g_flush_interval_ms = 0;    // Unbuffered (0) by default.
    bool      g_preamble_header   = true; // Prepend each log start by a descriptions line with all columns name?
    bool      g_preamble          = true; // Prefix each log line with date, time etc?

    // Turn off individual parts of the preamble
    bool g_preamble_date    = true; // The date field
    bool g_preamble_time    = true; // The time of the current day
    bool g_preamble_uptime  = true; // The time since init call
    bool g_preamble_thread  = true; // The logging thread
    bool g_preamble_file    = true; // The file from which the log originates from
    bool g_preamble_verbose = true; // The verbosity field
    bool g_preamble_pipe    = true; // The pipe symbol right before the message

It still prints some stuff to stderr.

SpaceCheetah commented 3 years ago

For me that exact script only prints the preamble, not "Doing some stuff". If you move the verbosity set before init, it doesn't print anything at all:

#include "loguru.hpp"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    loguru::g_stderr_verbosity = loguru::Verbosity_OFF;
    loguru::init(argc, argv);
    loguru::add_file("everything.log", loguru::Append, loguru::Verbosity_MAX);
    LOG_F(INFO, "Doing some stuff...");
    return 0;

For me that logs to everything.log but does nothing in console. Are you getting different behavior?

marethyu commented 3 years ago

Oh, I get it now. It works now. Thanks @SpaceCheetah!