emilkowalski / vaul

An unstyled drawer component for React.
MIT License
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Drawer not animating the entry when using on Remix Run #264

Open chaitanyapilaka opened 4 months ago

chaitanyapilaka commented 4 months ago

Hi, I tried using Vaul with a newly created remix app. The code I used is straight from the read me.

  function MyComponent() {
    return (
          <Drawer.Overlay />

Unfortunately, the entry animation doesn't work but the slide down works as expected with an exit animation. Is there something I need to do with remix to make it work?

emilkowalski commented 4 months ago

Can you provide a codesandox with reproduction?

akamfoad commented 4 months ago

I have the same problem, it was working correctly when I was using Vite on it's own, but when migrated to Remix SPA it the entry functionality broke.

Here is a codesandbox And here is the repo

akamfoad commented 4 months ago

After doing some research, looks like the vaul stylesheet is not included in the stylesheets, I imported the stylesheet and now it works fine

Importing as stylesheet handled by Remix:

import "vaul/dist/index.css";

Importing as URL and rendering the link yourself:

// import
import vaulStyles from "vaul/dist/index.css?url";

// render in root 
<link href={vaulStyles} rel="stylesheet" />
the-dream-machine commented 2 months ago

Thanks @akamfoad. Was able to get it working by importing the styles in the root:

// app/root.tsx

import VaulStyles from "vaul/dist/index.css";

export const links: LinksFunction = () => [
  { rel: "stylesheet", href: VaulStyles }
  // ...other stylesheets
ParkerMJones commented 1 month ago

It looks like vaul/dist/index.css no longer exists in v0.9.1. I've got it working again by copying the contents of vaul/dist/index.css from v0.9.0, saving it in my own vaul.css and referencing that file in the same way @the-dream-machine is above. Allows me to upgrade to 0.9.1 but retain this solution.

akamfoad commented 1 month ago

Indeed @ParkerMJones looks like it's no longer there, it would be great to report this in a new issue so it gets more attention, not sure this is intentional as there is no mention in the release notes.

akamfoad commented 1 month ago

@ParkerMJones I went ahead and opened #357 to make sure this gets the attention it needs