emilsjolander / sprinkles

Sprinkles is a boiler-plate-reduction-library for dealing with databases in android applications
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Is there a helper to do custom Delete/Update queries? #44

Closed darko1002001 closed 10 years ago

darko1002001 commented 10 years ago

I have a case where i need to delete all the rows that have a specific value for a column. Is this possible. i see that Query.one/Query.many does execute raw SQL statements but it is expecting a model as a result. These things need just a count of affected rows. Can you provide some more insight into this? How do you handle things like this?

emilsjolander commented 10 years ago

Currently the way to do it is to call new SqlStatement("my raw sql string").execute(args ...). This will however not return the number of effected rows (A limitation that i would like to fix).