emilykdewitt / greenup

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React Setup #9

Open emilykdewitt opened 5 years ago

emilykdewitt commented 5 years ago

User Story

As a developer, I need to set up a project to create my application using React.


  1. In the folder where you want your application to live, enter the command npx create-react-app intro-react except replace 'intro-react' with whatever you want the name of your project to be.

Now that we have our beginning files inplace we need to create a github repo and push things up in a very particular order. Create-react-app has already done a git init, built a README.md, and done and add and commit for us. We just need to link our local repo to a github repo and push.

  1. Create a github repo - DO NOT initialize with a readme. git remote add origin git push -u origin master git checkout -b setup You should now have all the create-react-app stuff pushed up to github and be on a setup branch. Now we will modify the file structure to fit our needs.

  2. Follow all the other directions here: https://github.com/nss-nightclass-projects/Night-Class-Resources/blob/master/book-4-react/chapters/react-setup.md