[x] Contains bullet points after the table that state which foreign keys will reference to which table, or references to the associations which will be made
[x] foreign key and table name are lowercased, snake_cased and back_ticked
[x] Correctly formatted
[x] schema is written in a table format
[x] the table's name are lowercased, snake_cased and back_ticked
[x] the table header column names are bolded
[x] columns names are lowercased and snaked_cased and back_ticked
Do chat's belong to workspaces? If so, make sure it has a foreign key pointing to its workspace
Will a conversation belong to a single user? which user_id will the conversation point to?
think about your structure. Your "initial proposal" containing channels and joins tables has what you will actually need for the project. (e.g. workspaces contain channels containing messages)
will add a foreign key for chat belonging to workspace
I was thinking conversations would be a join table that has every combination of user/chat. In the initial proposal I had DMs and channels split and a joins table for each but then decided to combine them into one "chat" table and have the conversation joins table for all types of chats. Do you recommend I split them back up?