emilyploszaj / trinkets

A data-driven accessory mod and API for Minecraft using Fabric.
MIT License
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Enchanted Trinkets Questions #308

Closed Wondiws98 closed 4 months ago

Wondiws98 commented 4 months ago

I recently made an Elytra Enchantment mod that reduces fly_into_wall damage.

Mod works fine on it's own but i noticed that when putting the Elytra on the Cape Trinket Slot using Elytra Trinket the damage reduction does not get applied. Which is expected considering how Minecraft checks for which slots have protection enchantments and such.

The problem is i cannot find a relatively simple way to get the damage reduction to be applied when the Elytra is in the Trinket Slot. What i have right now is creating a LivingEntityMixin class and injecting into the modifyAppliedDamage.

Thing is i don't like how hacky jenky this fix is. I was wondering if there's a better way to get Enchantments to work on Trinkets, specifically Protection Echantments.

Thanks in advance and sorry if there's an obvious way to do it and i was just too dumb to figure out.