emirsahin1 / ImageBench

An Image Processing program to experiment with various image processing algorithms.
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some bug fixed in my own git fork(build with msys2 mingw64 g++ under Windows) #1

Open asmwarrior opened 1 month ago

asmwarrior commented 1 month ago

Hi, you project is nice.

I have a fork, and now, I have used the Code::Blocks and msys2/mingw64's g++ to build this project, see my commits here:

Commits · asmwarrior/ImageBench

I have some fixes, especially this ones:

fix a bug that the mouse scroll event handler(ImagePanel::onScroll) never get called


build fix under msys2/mingw64 g++, error: 'uint8_t' has not been declared


emirsahin1 commented 4 weeks ago

Hi, thanks! This project is quite old and not really something that I'm maintaining any longer. However, if you want to make a pull request for those fixes, I'd be happy to merge.
