emk / rust-musl-builder

Docker images for compiling static Rust binaries using musl-libc and musl-gcc, with static versions of useful C libraries. Supports openssl and diesel crates.
Apache License 2.0
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failed to load source for dependency #129

Closed dwhiteddsoft closed 2 years ago

dwhiteddsoft commented 3 years ago

What did you try to do?

alias rust-musl-builder='sudo podman run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":/home/rust/src ekidd/rust-musl-builder'
rust-musl-builder cargo build --release


    Updating crates.io index
    Updating git repository `https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-rust`
error: failed to get `azure_core` as a dependency of package `test_core v0.1.0 (/home/rust/src/eng/test_core)`

Caused by:
  failed to load source for dependency `azure_core`

Caused by:
  Unable to update https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-rust

Caused by:
  failed to find branch `master`

Caused by:
  cannot locate remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'; class=Reference (4); code=NotFound (-3)

I have been using podman so I don't think it is a difference between docker and podman. If I run this on my own machine (Ubuntu 20.04) it is all good. Just so everyone knows, I am running this on an Azure Custom DevOps Build Agent which is nothing more than an Ubuntu 20.04 VM in the cloud.

Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.

emk commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, I will almost certainly never find the time necessary to debug Azure Docker issues. My apologies, but I want to be honest about this.