emkay / nesly

A programming language that compiles down to 6502 NES assembler
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Move away from using ca65 #1

Closed emkay closed 10 years ago

emkay commented 10 years ago

This is a big one. The cc65(C compiler) and the ca65(assembler) provide libraries that take care of a lot of things for you. For example, you can load some hex bytes of text into a register call jsr _cprintf and get text to the screen. This is really easy and nice.

The problem is that most of the tutorials and documentation out there does not use ca65 and by doing so it makes it harder for me to reverse engineer a lot of stuff. I can only get so far trying to do things in C and viewing the asm. I got nesasm compiled on OSX, and there are a lot of people using it.

A good ref.

emkay commented 10 years ago

I think the plan is to scrape what I have now and start with the tutorials. Then build up from there. That means starting with palette, background, and sprite loading. Then I can tackle tracking down all the asm required to get dynamic text written to the screen.

emkay commented 10 years ago

Closing this as basic is done.