emmamamula / Yugoslav-Folklore

Gender analysis of Yugoslav folk songs and poetry.
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March 1st Project Update #19

Open emmamamula opened 5 years ago

emmamamula commented 5 years ago

Since our last meeting Daniel has made progress on the site by deleting most of the placeholder content and refined the menu. During the meeting we attempted to center the menu, but could not figure it out in time, so that is something that will be done this week. Daniel will also work on replacing the squared apostrophes with curly ones and Mitchell and I can replace them in the poems with Regex. As for the background image of our site, we either have to contact the artist asking for permission or find a new image.

Mitchell and I are going to collaborate on what we want to elements we want to markup in both the Serbian and English document. I'll also have 12 -15 of the Serbian songs read so I can become more familiar with what nouns are used to refer to women.

sjw82 commented 5 years ago

Looking at the css and html for your index site I have a suggestion that maybe you already explored, but if not could help with centering. The link I found (https://medium.com/flexbox-and-grids/the-most-popular-navigation-bars-created-with-flexbox-6c0f59f55686) suggests assigning individual line elements classes, although I bet if you want all of them it could work on the nav level, and assigning it .id { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto } Also, in your CSS you have av instead of nav on line 44, so that could be getting in the way. I hope this helps but especially that you succeed in resolving the issue. Good luck!