emmamamula / Yugoslav-Folklore

Gender analysis of Yugoslav folk songs and poetry.
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March 22nd Project Update #24

Open emmamamula opened 5 years ago

emmamamula commented 5 years ago

This week Daniel worked to get the menu to be visible even when the user scrolls. He is going to work on getting rid of the extra space on the left of the dropdown menus and trouble shooting the inconsistencies when using different browsers. He will also try to figure out why the menu is not located in the same position in every browser and try to work on all of the glitches with the dropdowns. Daniel will also increase the opacity of the beige background and have it in one continuous block as opposed to the current two beige blocks.

Mitchell realized that the Trojan markup was too overwhelming and ultimately not necessary for the type of research we are doing. So we met a couple of times to discuss what we wanted to do going forward and we created a common schema for the thematic markup for our poems. We will be focusing more so on nouns and adjectives rather than actions. We are going to assign xsd:id to the nouns and IDREFS to the adjectives (or vice versa) so we can match the nouns and adjectives. We are planning are on meeting twice this week and Mitchell and I will meet on Sunday to complete our goal of marking up twenty poems each from our respective sources.

loreese commented 5 years ago

It's nice you guys are in a place where you can fine-tune your site a bit, it's looking really nice aesthetically! Hopefully your efforts on extra meeting time solidify your new mark-up direction as you move forward with the process of getting your corpus completed. The new direction sounds more straightforward both in terms of mark-up process and your eventual analysis. Looking forward to how it all comes together!

ddaud02 commented 5 years ago

It was really hard to come up with a practical solution to have a visible menu because it was not included in any

element, but we and @zme1 figure it out at the end.