emmamamula / Yugoslav-Folklore

Gender analysis of Yugoslav folk songs and poetry.
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March 27th Course Discussion #26

Open emmamamula opened 5 years ago

emmamamula commented 5 years ago

For Mitchell and Emma, our midterm goals were to finish our thematic markup, update our README.md to represent the updates in our project, and edit the css so that the menu is in a fixed position. Daniel's goals were to delete the extra links on the stylesheet, trouble shoot the css and html, and to create a server side include for the css.

Mitchell and I realized that our initial plan for markup was not the best method because we decided to focus on nouns and adjectives rather than the nouns and their actions. So we scrapped the idea of using trojan markup and instead added attributes. For the nouns we denoted their gender, relation, and type. For adjectives we specified their gender and whether they were positive or negative. We used href ids so we would know which adjective was attached to which noun. Daniel fixed the main issues with the site, mainly the menu, which he now must work on centering.

Overall we met most of our midterm goals, but the biggest accomplishment was realizing our initial plans were not going to work and coming up with a new solution (concerning the markup of the documents).

Now we need to focus on the interactivity of our site and how we want to go about displaying our data. By next week Emma will have a clearer idea of the layout of our site. In two weeks, we plan to use XSLT to create the reading views for our poems. Daniel will work to have the menu centered and once we decide how we want to display our data, he will begin to add our documents to the site.