emmamamula / Yugoslav-Folklore

Gender analysis of Yugoslav folk songs and poetry.
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Final Project Udate #35

Open emmamamula opened 5 years ago

emmamamula commented 5 years ago

This pat week we created visual for out site (the svg bar graph and html table). We also worked on writing blurbs for our conclusion, research question, methodology, etc. All of these need to be expanded upon, which we will work on for the due date of the project. We also just need to fix a few aesthetic things on our site such as filling in the gaps between bars on the bar chart, labeling the adjective bars as "adjectives by gender" and "adjectives by valence". Also, because the conclusion and other textual elements of the site were written using mark down, some of the * are rendering, so we are going to try to use Pandoc to remedy this.

loreese commented 5 years ago

Sounds like you guys are in a similar place to our group and are mostly dealing with house keeping at this point. Your site looks really great and the aesthetics of the graphs should help make the data more legible. Look forward to seeing the final results!

ddaud02 commented 5 years ago

Bar Graph started to look better.
