emmamamula / Yugoslav-Folklore

Gender analysis of Yugoslav folk songs and poetry.
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Notes from the 2/8 meeting #4

Open MLuckman opened 5 years ago

MLuckman commented 5 years ago

Poem needs lines: either restart or try and autotag my way out of the hole.

Separate out the stuff that isn't the main text into separate documents for the time being (gutenburg liscense/intro/footnotes, etc)

Repo organization. Main repo directory, under it, an xml subdirectory, a text subdirectory with both the original sources and the working doc.

Tab completion saves time.

Cloning repos onto the local system and the importance of pushing-pulling all the time.

Created txt, work, and

mk dir text

Saved English document as a text file in the txt folder.

Take a look at The Singer of Tales by Albert Lord. About him and Milman Parry.

Daniel is going to web design

I'll (re)do the structural markup on the English source

Emma will do the structural markup on the Serbian source.

Emma and I will come up with a schema for the structural markup.

We will all refine the research question.

djbpitt commented 5 years ago

@MLuckman Good write-up, Mitchell! But since it’s a list, how about formatting it as a Markdown bulleted list, instead of as Markdown paragraphs? You can read how to do that at https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/ (scroll down a bit, click on the “Lists” button).

It’s smart to keep a record of the meeting in one Issue, as you do here, but now that you have that, you can also spin off individual GitHub Issues, add them to the project board, label them, and assign them to specific team members. Your team might want to discuss how to regularize that; perhaps one of you will always take minutes and post them and another one of you will then (right away, while it’s still fresh) create the individual issue. Or perhaps you’ll find it simplest for one person to handle both the minutes of the meeting and the individual issues.