emmebrusa / TSDZ2-Smart-EBike-1

TSDZ2 Open Source Firmware adapted to VLCD5-VLCD6-XH18 displays
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Missing date on generated files and not sure if doing it right #85

Open jonasborneland opened 7 months ago

jonasborneland commented 7 months ago


First of all thanks a lot for this awesome project.

I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. But the date is missing on the created files.

Example: "TSDZ2-20.1C.2-2-.hex" ... Should have been someting like: "TSDZ2-20.1C.2-2-12-07-2022.hex" I guess.

I'm using macos.

Doing the following:

In the root folder of TSDZ2-Smart-EBike-1

Running this in terminal: open JavaConfigurator.jar then configuring my settings and clicking Compile & Flash Then the only thing seems to be happening according to latest modified date is a new experimental settings file is created - nothing else changes – is this correct? or should there be created more files?

Then i run: sh compile_and_flash_20.sh and the files compiles and creates files in bin folder and releases folder and it successful transfers to the bike ending in a all completed.

But I'm not sure if the files created is based on my actual settings or just some default values?

I really hope you can help me out, and thanks a lot! :-)

dzid26 commented 7 months ago

Then the only thing seems to be happening according to latest modified date is a new experimental settings file is created - nothing else changes

Compiled files in /bin folder are not created? And src/controller/config.h is not modified?

Regarding the date, I am on Windows, and it's also not being added to the file name. Not sure why, but it seems like a minor issue. Feel free to investigate: https://github.com/emmebrusa/TSDZ2-Smart-EBike-1/blob/93f874bc267d116a0f95faedf1d8cfb5b2ffc4d8/tools/Java_Configurator_Source/src/TSDZ2_Configurator.java#L1298-L1304 (I think backup_name becomes $1 parameter in the batch script.)

jonasborneland commented 7 months ago

Thank you so much for the answer

Yes while clicking the clicking Compile & Flash only experimental settings file is created like 20231207-222908CET.ini

But afterwards when running sh compile_and_flash_20.sh all files are created in /bin and src/controller/config.h gets modified.

But my worries is if sh compile_and_flash_20.sh does modify/compile the files based on my settings? or if the Compile & Flash button in the java should do more than just the 20231207-222908CET.ini file? :-)

dzid26 commented 7 months ago

Ini is files store settings for the Java interface. When you click Compile & Flash, Java configurator modifies also src/controller/config.h which contains bunch of switches and parameters for the rest of the bike control software. The software gets compiled into bin folder and at the end of the process main.ihx is created ther. main.ihx is actually the full software and is flashed to the bike.
It is also renamed and copied to the releases, but it's not useful there to most people, as it's easy to simply compile again if needed. For some reason your release file name doesn't contain the date, but it doesn't matter.

I am pretty sure you are getting your software correctly flashed with all the changes.

jonasborneland commented 7 months ago

Thank you very much. I was not aware of src/controller/config.h Compile & Flash in my Java configurator actually modifies the above file, so I'm more sure now that it works as supposed to :-)

I found a quick fix for the date.

In compile_and_flash_20.sh

I changed the line settings_date=$1

to settings_date=$(date +%F_%H-%M-%S)

Thank you for the help