emmericp / MoonGen

MoonGen is a fully scriptable high-speed packet generator built on DPDK and LuaJIT. It can saturate a 10 Gbit/s connection with 64 byte packets on a single CPU core while executing user-provided Lua scripts for each packet. Multi-core support allows for even higher rates. It also features precise and accurate timestamping and rate control.
MIT License
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Packet capturing issue data loss during pcap saving using dump-pkts.lua #282

Open najamsaleem opened 4 years ago

najamsaleem commented 4 years ago


I am sending data between two debians PC that has 10 Gb cards. For sending i am using replay-pcap.lua and on sending side and on rceiving sid i am using dump-pkts.lua to capture and store file in pcap format.

Problem is on receiver side in buffer it shows total exact number of packets which i sent form sender side. But it is storing a little less in pcap file.

I am sending 1183000 packets and it received same amount of packets on receiver side but storing only 1157000 packets.

Why is that so? I am unable to find the issue. Is there any thing which i can change manually to store exact amount of packets