emmetio / sublime-tern

TernJS plugin for Sublime Text
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TernJS.sublime-package crashes Sublime Text 3 #41

Open jasonleonhard opened 9 years ago

jasonleonhard commented 9 years ago

Hello, I just installed TernJS.sublime-package crashes Sublime Text 3 and now Sublime crashes as soon as it is opened.

I attempted to remove it by first using remove package, but I cannot get access because the program is frozen.

Closing and opening the program does not work, it only freezes up right away.

Navigating to /Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages and removing the package does not work, as soon as I open Sublime everything is fine, but it automatically repopulates in Finder, and then freezes the prorgam, deleting it again does not make the program return to normal either...

Please help, Thanks!

PixelT commented 9 years ago

+1 I have this same situation.. :/

williamledoux commented 9 years ago

In addition to removing the package folder, you need to remove the package name in Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings to prevent package control to install it back.

jkarttunen commented 9 years ago

+1 same here

henvic commented 9 years ago

I'm having the same freezing issue since the beginning of the week, after using ST 3 with TernJS for, at least, 3 months. TernJS is making it impossible to use ST 3 and I'm going to uninstall it until a fix is published.

swimorsink commented 9 years ago

Same here.

lhnrd commented 9 years ago

Same problem here.

acemtp commented 9 years ago

Same here

moimikey commented 9 years ago

might be conflicting packages all. i've had it crash if I had SublimeCodeIntel installed also.

snnwolf commented 9 years ago

Такая же проблема. Открываю просто с main.coffee, main.js (сгенеренный им), открываю файл main.js и всё подвисает...

Matt-Jensen commented 9 years ago

+1 and thanks @williamledoux for your fix.

jtremback commented 9 years ago

There are several identical issues around this on this repo, and it appears to be abandoned.

I recommend https://github.com/marijnh/tern_for_sublime which is written by the author of Tern, runs using node.js, and actually works.

@sergeche I respect the hard work that must have gone into this, but can you please remove this package from the Sublime package manager if you are not going to maintain it?

ijxsid commented 9 years ago

Sublime is still having this issue. I installed TernJS Today and it started crashing just minutes after installing TernJS.

maxcr commented 9 years ago

Its because of libraries. If you just add this "ternjs": { "exclude":["./node_modules/**"], "libs": ["browser", "jquery"], "plugins": { "node": {} } }

and only save your untitled.sublime-project in the path of your project you're golden.

noodlebreak commented 5 years ago

I removed ternjs, my sublime text 3 is able to open now. I switched to Visual Studio Code for js projects.