emmo-repo / EMMOntoPy

Library for representing and working with ontologies in Python
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Multiple Issues regarding the current implementation of the FaCT++ reasoner. #451

Open HendrikBorgelt opened 2 years ago

HendrikBorgelt commented 2 years ago

Dear EMMOntopy developers,

I hereby would like to report a possible bug and a selfimplemented solution, I could come up with, for the reasoning with FaCT++ provided via your ‘factpluspluswrapper’. I am a chemical engineering Ph.D. student, working with the german NFDI4Cat, and, as my branch of studying indicates, not necessary skilled in finding a programmers solution, but only an engineer’s solution, to a coding task. As such, my report is the best I could come up with, given my knowledge of reporting such a bug. As I am interested in working with the python implementation of the FaCT++ reasoner, and found it not to be working on my PC’s , I tried finding a solution to my issues, and will try to explain them as best as I can. If any questions occur or you just want to contact me, feel free to write me via hendrik.borgelt@tu-dortmund.de. An online-meeting (e.g. ZOOM-call) can be arranged if the descriptions are not conclusive.

1. Issue (temp.NamedTemporaryFile instead of temp.TemporaryDirectory):

Running the base code provided by you on GitHub or via the direct installation via pip results for me in a ‘PermissionError’. I could trace it back to be a path of a temporary file handed over to graph.serialize, instead of a temporary dictionary, which it requires instead. A detailed logging of the error can be found in the supplement file called ‘Log1_TempFileVsTempDir.txt’.

I solved this error by changing from a NamedTemporaryFile to a TemporaryDirectory as given in the code snippet below:

The commented code is the original code, while my implemented code of the ‘reason’-function is the active code, I manipulated. The ‘reasoning’-function is contained within the ‘owlapi_interface.py’

2. Issue (Java exception in ‘main’ no FaCTPlusPlusJNI in java.library.path):

The second error message I got after fixing the first one, was a missing java package for with the detailed error Message can be found in ‘Log2_AddedFaCTppJavaFiles.txt’. As a quick search through the common search engines revealed, the given files, specifically ‘libFaCTPlusPlusJNI.so’ In path ‘.\ontopy\factpluspluswrapper\java/lib/so’ should suffice to start the reasoner. However, I knew of problems with Protégé and FaCT++ (https://github.com/emmo-repo/EMMO/blob/master/doc/installing_factplusplus.md, thanks for this wonderful help), I ‘gu’-estimated that one of the files might not be correct/sufficient for running the reasoner. Therefore, I copied the content contained in the respective directory of Protégé into the directory of ontopy, in hopes of fixing the error in a trial-and-error fashion. This solved at least the raised exception, even though I do not know if the approach is valid. Both, the original content (directory: ‘Original files’), as well as the new content (directory: ‘MyFilesFromProtege’) can be found in the ‘Zip’-file appended to this mail.

3. Issue (Handling of rdfs:type inside sync_reasoner_factpp):

Executing the ‘sync_reasoner(reasoner="FaCT++")’-function, finally works without an escape-exception. However, the debugging tool can not find the parent ‘11’, which is the implemented class abbreviation for ‘OWL.Class’ as implemented in ontopy/owlready2. The logging results of reasoning the EMMO as found on ‘https://emmo-repo.github.io/’ in its compacted format (https://emmo-repo.github.io/versions/1.0.0-beta4/emmo.owl) with FaCT++ can be found in ‘Log3_WrongHandlingOfRdfsType.txt’. Searching in the code of ‘sync_reasoner_factpp’ and ‘owlready2.reasoning.py’ for a solution to this problem, I found out that the parenting method (‘new_parents’) does not allow for ‘rdfs_classes’, while they should occur in ‘entity_2_type’. As the method used in sync_reasoner_factpp() does however misclassify several classes and properties to individuals I tried to find the root cause. It presented itself to me as a misinterpretation of the ‘rdfs:type’ predicate, which misclassified several ontology objects as being ‘Individuals’ by interpreting them with ‘OWL_2_type’. Therefore the abbreviated triple ‘EMMO (isof)type Class’ would result in the EMMO-class being misidentified as an individual. To solve this misinterpretation, the for-loop used to evaluate the results was rewritten as well as a new classifier written. The new code can be found in the Zip-file and is called ‘sync_factpp_borgelt’. With these implementations done, the result of the reasoner comes pretty close to the results achieved by using HermiT with python or HermiT and Fact++ with Protégé (all of them are slightly different to oneanother).

4. Remarks (some complex properties might be handled as simple properties):

As I am not familiar with any benchmarking tools to compare reasoning results for correctness, I can only validate, that the results are similar to those performed by reasoning with Protégé as well as with HermiT on python. A further reasoning with Protégé, in order to validate that no consistency error was introduced by the reasoning with the self-(gobbled-/) implemented FaCT++ fix, yielded a consistent ontology. As the results of reasoning with the ‘fixed’ FaCT++ reasoned yield the possibility for further improvements(/possibly mandatory) work, I would like to point out the ‘Special_ReasoningResults.txt’-file, in which some of the complex property relations are listed, and the ‘Results_from_graph_containing_rdfs_type.txt’-file, in which all results are listed. As complex properties such as ‘IrreflexiveProperty’ are only handled as simple ‘ObjectProperties’ be the ‘entity_2_type’ converter, further work might be required. Also, some ‘subject’-handles such as ‘rdflib.term.URIRef('http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#hiddenLabel')’ might be required to be handled different from the current implementation provided by me.

I hope that the comments and suggestions, I have tried to conclude above, are of use to you and I would like to emphasize once again that I am happy to answer any questions.

With kind regards Hendrik Borgelt FaCTpp_wrapper_bug_report_with_fix_recommendation.zip

jesper-friis commented 2 years ago

Dear Hendrik. Thank you for your detailed bug report and suggested solution. We are little busy for the moment would look into it asap.

Meanwhile, would it be possible for you to create a pull request with your suggested changes?