emn178 / js-sha3

A simple SHA-3 / Keccak hash function for JavaScript supports UTF-8 encoding.
MIT License
345 stars 85 forks source link

unhandled promise rejection #22

Closed BernardA closed 10 months ago

BernardA commented 4 years ago

I have a Gatsby app that is throwing the error below when building it for development ( did not test for production )

So in terminal I run: gatsby develop

Then the error below is thrown after queries are executed. It will output 3 times what appears to be the same error:

success onPostBootstrap - 0.123s ⠀ info bootstrap finished - 155.297 s ⠀ success run queries - 206.420s - 1018/1018 4.93/s [======= ] 206.423 s 1/4 25% Generating image thumbnails (node:2655) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: input is invalid type at Keccak../node_modules/js-sha3/src/sha3.js.Keccak.update (/Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:243196:15) at /Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:243055:46 at getPaths (/Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:201337:29) at Object.create (/Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:201645:19) at _prepareChannel (/Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:199839:37) at new BroadcastChannel (/Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:199719:3) at createStateSyncMiddleware (/Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:311129:19) at Module../src/store/reduxWrapper.js (/Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:319235:104) at webpack_require (/Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:30:30) at Module../gatsby-ssr.js (/Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:1692:81) at webpack_require (/Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:30:30) at Object../.cache/api-runner-ssr.js (/Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:134:11) at webpack_require (/Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:30:30) at Module../.cache/develop-static-entry.js (/Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:467:73) at webpack_require (/Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:30:30) at /Users/bernardo/Sites/quiamo/public/render-page.js:94:18 (node:2655) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag --unhandled-rejections=strict (see https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_unhandled_rejections_mode). (rejection id: 3) (node:2655) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

Environment: node v12.16.0

emn178 commented 10 months ago

Error: input is invalid type at Keccak../node_modules/js-sha3/src/sha3.js.Keccak.update

please check your input?

BernardA commented 10 months ago

Thanks @emn178 but I left Gatsby long ago. I am closing this.