Open awinds opened 1 month ago
I think we can add a 'sidebar. js' to create a sidebar, so that we don't have to write a complete menu for every HTML page.
Addon each page
var sidebarData = { header : { logo : 'images/logo.svg', title: 'Online-Tools' }, section: { 'Hash' : { 'CRC' : { 'CRC-16': 'crc16.html', 'CRC-16 File': 'crc16_checksum.html', 'CRC-32': 'crc32.html', 'CRC-32 File': 'crc32_checksum.html', }, 'MD' : { 'MD2': 'md2.html', 'MD2 File': 'md2_file_hash.html', 'MD4': 'md4.html', 'MD4 File': 'md4_file_hash.html', 'MD5': 'md5.html', 'MD5 File': 'md5_checksum.html', }, 'SHA1' : { 'SHA1': 'sha1.html', 'SHA1 File': 'sha1_checksum.html', }, 'SHA2' : { 'SHA224': 'sha224.html', 'SHA224 File': 'sha224_checksum.html', 'SHA256': 'sha256.html', 'SHA256 File': 'sha256_checksum.html', 'Double SHA256': 'double_sha256.html', }, 'SHA2-512' : { 'SHA384': 'sha384.html', 'SHA384 File': 'sha384_file_hash.html', 'SHA512': 'sha512.html', 'SHA512 File': 'sha512_file_hash.html', 'SHA512/224': 'sha512_224.html', 'SHA512/224 File': 'sha512_224_file_hash.html', 'SHA512/256': 'sha512_256.html', 'SHA512/256 File': 'sha512_256_file_hash.html', }, 'SHA3' : { 'SHA3-224': 'sha3_224.html', 'SHA3-224 File': 'sha3_224_checksum.html', 'SHA3-256': 'sha3_256.html', 'SHA3-256 File': 'sha3_256_checksum.html', 'SHA3-384': 'sha3_384.html', 'SHA3-384 File': 'sha3_384_checksum.html', 'SHA3-512': 'sha3_512.html', 'HA3-512 File': 'sha3_512_checksum.html', }, 'Keccak' : { 'Keccak-224': 'keccak_224.html', 'Keccak-224 File': 'keccak_224_checksum.html', 'Keccak-256': 'keccak_256.html', 'Keccak-256 File': 'keccak_256_checksum.html', 'Keccak-384': 'keccak_384.html', 'Keccak-384 File': 'keccak_384_checksum.html', 'Keccak-512': 'keccak_512.html', 'Keccak-512 File': 'keccak_512_checksum.html', }, 'SHAKE' : { 'SHAKE128': 'shake128/', 'SHAKE128 File': 'shake128/file/', 'SHAKE256': 'shake256/', 'SHAKE256 File': 'shake256/file/', }, 'cSHAKE' : { 'cSHAKE128': 'cshake128/', 'cSHAKE128 File': 'cshake128/file/', 'cSHAKE256': 'cshake256/', 'cSHAKE256 File': 'cshake256/file/', }, 'KMAC' : { 'KMAC128': 'kmac128/', 'KMAC128 File': 'kmac128/file/', 'KMAC256': 'kmac256/', 'KMAC256 File': 'kmac256/file/', }, 'RIPEMD' : { 'RIPEMD-128': 'ripemd-128/', 'RIPEMD-128 File': 'ripemd-128/file/', 'RIPEMD-160': 'ripemd-160/', 'RIPEMD-160 File': 'ripemd-160/file/', 'RIPEMD-256': 'ripemd-256/', 'RIPEMD-256 File': 'ripemd-256/file/', 'RIPEMD-320': 'ripemd-320/', 'RIPEMD-320 File': 'ripemd-320/file/', }, 'BLAKE' : { 'BLAKE2b': 'blake2b/', 'BLAKE2b File': 'blake2b/file/', 'BLAKE2s': 'blake2s/', 'BLAKE2s File': 'blake2s/file/', 'BLAKE3': 'blake3/', 'BLAKE3 File': 'blake3/file/', }, }, 'Cryptography' : { 'AES': { 'Encryption': 'aes/encrypt/', 'Decryption': 'aes/decrypt/', }, 'DES': { 'Encryption': 'des/encrypt/', 'Decryption': 'des/decrypt/', }, 'Triple DES': { 'Encryption': 'triple-des/encrypt/', 'Decryption': 'triple-des/decrypt/', }, 'RC4': { 'Encryption': 'rc4/encrypt/', 'Decryption': 'rc4/decrypt/', }, 'ECDSA': { 'Key Generator': 'ecdsa/key-generator/', 'Sign Message': 'ecdsa/sign/', 'Verify Signature': 'ecdsa/verify/', }, 'RSA': { 'Key Generator': 'rsa/key-generator/', 'Sign Message': 'rsa/sign/', 'Verify Signature': 'rsa/verify/', 'Encryption': 'rsa/encrypt/', 'Decryption': 'rsa/decrypt/', }, }, 'Encoding' : { 'Hex (Base16)': { 'Encode': 'hex_encode.html', 'Decode': 'hex_decode.html', 'File to Hex': 'hex_encode_file.html', 'Hex to File': 'hex_decode_file.html', }, 'Base32': { 'Encode': 'base32_encode.html', 'Decode': 'base32_decode.html', 'File to Base32': 'base32_encode_file.html', 'Base32 to File': 'base32_decode_file.html', }, 'Base58': { 'Encode': 'base58/encode/', 'Decode': 'base58/decode/', 'File to Base58': 'base58/encode/file/', 'Base58 to File': 'base58/decode/file/', }, 'Base64': { 'Encode': 'base64_encode.html', 'Decode': 'base64_decode.html', 'File to Base64': 'base64_encode_file.html', 'Base64 to File': 'base64_decode_file.html', }, 'HTML': { 'Encode': 'html_encode.html', 'Decode': 'html_decode.html', }, 'URL': { 'Encode': 'url_encode.html', 'Decode': 'url_decode.html', }, }, 'Format' : { 'JSON': { 'Validator': 'json/validator/', 'Minifier': 'json/minifier/', 'Formatter': 'json/formatter/', 'Viewer': 'json/viewer/', }, 'XML': { 'Validator': 'xml/validator/', 'Minifier': 'xml/minifier/', 'Formatter': 'xml/formatter/', }, }, 'Convert' : { 'Case': { 'lower case': 'case/lower/', 'UPPER CASE': 'case/upper/', 'lowerCamelCase': 'case/lower-camel/', 'UpperCamelCase': 'case/upper-camel/', 'snake_case': 'case/snake/', 'kebab-case': 'case/kebab/', 'CONSTANT_CASE': 'case/constant/', }, }, 'Others' : { 'Others': { 'QR Code Generator': 'qr-code/generator/', 'Syntax Highlight': 'syntax-highlight/', }, }, 'Links' : { 'link': { 'Contact': '', }, }, } }; function loadIndex() { var html = ''; for (var section in sidebarData.section) { if(sidebarData.section[section]['link']) { continue; } html += '<div class="section">'; html += '<h2>'+section+'</h2>'; html += '<div class="blocks">'; for (var detail in sidebarData.section[section]) { html += '<div class="block">'; html += '<h3>' + detail + '</h3>'; html += '<nav>'; html += '<ol>'; for (var item in sidebarData.section[section][detail]) { var url = sidebarData.section[section][detail][item]; html += '<li><a href="' + url + '">' + item + '</a></li>'; } html += '</ol>'; html += '</nav>'; html += '</div>'; } html += '</div>'; html += '</div>'; } document.getElementById('index').innerHTML = html; } function loadSidebar(summary = '',nav = '') { var html = ''; html = '<div class="mask"></div>'; html += '<div class="container">'; html += '<header>'; html += '<a href="./"><img src="'+ sidebarData.header.logo +'" width="18" height="18" alt="Logo" title="'+ sidebarData.header.title +'">'; html += '<h2>'+ sidebarData.header.title +'</h2></a>'; html += '<div class="toolbar">'; html += '<button class="icon theme">'; html += '<img class="light" src="images/light.svg" alt="Dark mode" title="Dark mode">'; html += '<img class="dark" src="images/dark.svg" alt="Dark mode" title="Dark mode">'; html += '</button>'; html += '</div>'; html += '</header>'; html += '<section>'; for (var section in sidebarData.section) { html += '<div class="section">'; html += '<h3>'+section+'</h3>'; if(sidebarData.section[section]['link']) { html += '<nav class="links">'; html += '<ol>'; for (var item in sidebarData.section[section]['link']) { var url = sidebarData.section[section]['link'][item]; html += '<li><a href="'+url+'" target="_blank">'+item+'</a></li>'; } html += '</ol>'; html += '</nav>'; } else { for (var detail in sidebarData.section[section]) { if (detail == summary) { html += '<details class="active" open>'; } else { html += '<details>'; } html += '<summary>' + detail + '</summary>'; html += '<nav>'; html += '<ol>'; for (var item in sidebarData.section[section][detail]) { var url = sidebarData.section[section][detail][item]; if (nav == item) { html += '<li class="active">'; } else { html += '<li>'; } html += '<a href="' + url + '">' + item + '</a></li>'; } html += '</ol>'; html += '</nav>'; html += '</details>'; } } html += '</div>'; } html += '</section>'; html += '</div>'; document.getElementById('sidebar').innerHTML = html; } function getSummaryNav(path) { for (var section in sidebarData.section) { for (var detail in sidebarData.section[section]) { for (var item in sidebarData.section[section][detail]) { if (sidebarData.section[section][detail][item] == path) { return { summary: detail, nav: item } } } } } return { summary: '', nav: '' }; } const url = new URL(window.location.href); const path = url.pathname.substring(1); var autoNav = getSummaryNav(path); //loadSidebar loadSidebar(autoNav.summary,autoNav.nav); //loadIndex if(path == '' || path == 'index.html') { loadIndex(); }
Thank you, but this site is generated by static page generator, so it's unnecessary to render by js.
ok! These tools functions are also implemented in JavaScript, so adding sidebarjs is also possible.
I think we can add a 'sidebar. js' to create a sidebar, so that we don't have to write a complete menu for every HTML page.
Addon each page