emnify / matrix-synapse-auto-deploy

Auto-deployment process for matrix-org/synapse
68 stars 17 forks source link

it Works! but... #1

Open maxlinux2000 opened 7 years ago

maxlinux2000 commented 7 years ago


I confirm that this script works perfectly.

But I need to know how to:

  1. add letsencrypt in order to have a https website

  2. the correct way how to upgrade the server matrix-synapse to last version when it's avalaible.

regards MaX

hugoShaka commented 7 years ago


To use letsencrypt you should look here : https://matrix.org/docs/guides/lets-encrypt.html But if you want to improve your security you should take a look at Diffie-Hellman parameters generation.

I think this recipe can almost be applied again to update your server. Just backup your database.

If you want to get a running server for production you should adapt some parts of this playbook (switch from a sqlite3 to a pg database, put a reverse-proxy, configure logrotate, ...).

I forked the script and made some of those changes, the other ones will follow (including the auto letsencrypt certificate generation).
