emoacht / Monitorian

A Windows desktop tool to adjust the brightness of multiple monitors with ease
MIT License
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Ability to adjust Brightsness without direct screen control #445

Closed Shine753 closed 1 year ago

Shine753 commented 1 year ago

When you have a screen (main or second, doesn't matter) that cannot be controlled by Monitorian (I don't know the exact terms that leads to this), it could be great to keep having the ability to adjust their luminosity as other softwares like "Eye Saver" or "Free Monitor Manager", and the older "Desktop Lighter" do.

emoacht commented 1 year ago

I don't quite catch what you try to say. In fact, you puzzuled me. Could you elaborate it?

Shine753 commented 1 year ago

I mean, if the monitor does not support DDC/CI. It won't be shown by Monitorian. This can be also the case if it supports DDC/CI but is connected through a KVM that prevents to manage it directly. In these case, the 3 examples of softwares I gave maintain the ability to adjust the monitor brightness, by another way, which is very handy. This method is also handy if you want to punctually adjust the brighness without messing up the monitor settings.

emoacht commented 1 year ago

If an external monitor is not controllable via DDC/CI, there is nothing by definition this app can do. I am not familier with those software but if they manipulate gamma, it is not actual brightness and it is not what this app is created for.

Shine753 commented 1 year ago

Seriously... ? Well, call this as you want but this obviously can be done. What a lack of curiosity... I have a monitor that is not recognized by Monitorian and by many other softwares when connected through a KVM, that seems to break the DDC/CI feature. Even Windows have a hard time to recognize it at 100%. And these softwares succeed in adjusting its brightness anyway without any difficulties. So what, are you telling that people who made these are magicians and you are not ? In any case, you obviously lack imagination. Your answer reminds me a know citation "They didn't know that was impossible, so they did it..."

emoacht commented 1 year ago

To be clear, the technique to make the desktop look darker or lighter to some extent by manupulating color gammas has been there for long time. It is neither new nor magical. It considerablly affect colors themeselves. I am just saying this app is intended to change actual brightness settings but not the gammas.

Shine753 commented 1 year ago

Yes, I suppose that it is indeed by playing on the gamma that these applications manage to do this. And I agree, it affects the colors. But, from my perspective, that's a non-issue.

Because if you're on the team of people who do graphics on a perfectly calibrated screen, you'll certainly don't want to change the brightness of your screen, since this influence the calibration of your screen.

If you belong to the team of people who like to have good colors, but not necessarily perfectly calibrated, on their screen, having a slight loss of colorimetry on the screen to be able to adjust the brightness of your screen from time to time remains acceptable (otherwise you will think about modifying the screen brightness permanently). And you are in that case sufficiently aware of the subject to understand what you are doing.

Finally, if you're part of the team that doesn't care about the correctness of colors, you didn't ask yourself the question before, and you won't ask yourself it afterwards either.

Moreover, the same person can be part of several of these teams at the same time.

This is where software that allows you to modify the brightness via the gamma has, in addition to the method you use, a definite advantage: it allows you to occasionally modify the brightness of the screen for a specific need (eg: long reading on a bright background), while retaining the brightness setting that has been hardware defined, and therefore maintaining the calibration when returning to the initial gamma setting. This is all the more interesting if the screen is for example shared between two computers, one for example for viewing photos, and the other for office tasks. If you lower the brightness in office tasks, you do not necessarily want it to be reflected in the screen settings when switching to the other computer.

In the same spirit, you may want to adjust the brightness of a monitor via hardware control, and of a second screen only via gamma.

Integrating this adjustment possibility using "gamma" for one or many managed screens into your software would thus be a definite plus. And a simple warning about color management can be shown, for example, in the documentation or when activating the option.

emoacht commented 1 year ago

Thanks for long explanation. I reiterte this app is created for adjusting actural brightness. Nothing else. I lock this issue.