emoacht / SnowyImageCopy

A Windows desktop app to copy images from FlashAir by a wireless connection
MIT License
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Date format of local folder and sound when Snowy detect FlashAir card #39

Closed dentphoto closed 4 years ago

dentphoto commented 4 years ago

I am so happy because of your Snowy 1.7 There are two hopes.

  1. In the Option "Create folder for each date" Current format is yyyymmdd. I want not only yyyymmdd but also yyyy-mm-dd. Is it possible?
  2. In the Option "Sound" Another notification sound is also needed when Snowy detects(connects to) Flashair card??

Please help me. Thanks in advance.

emoacht commented 4 years ago

Hi, dentphoto

  1. Regarding the formatting of date, it would be worth to consider.
  2. Regarding the notification sound on detection or connection, actually this app just requests the card to respond and there is no clear point of such event in the work flow. It's not clear at all and so I don't think this idea is fruitful.
dentphoto commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your kind reply.

When the Flashair is OFF, Snowy displays the following status messages sequentially. Waiting for auto check time -> Checking FlashAir -> Cannot connect to FlashAir

So I speculated that there would be a point when Snowy perform checking successfully when the Flashair is powered ON. "Check completed" is the moment of Flashair detection(connection). Is it right ??

[PS] Simple question What does "Timeout Duration" mean? I do not understand the exact meaning. Explain it to me please.

[PS] Example of wireless transfer with Your notification sound. ^.^ https://youtu.be/HBmcJR6zkuQ

emoacht commented 4 years ago

Regarding the first question, it depends on how you define the detection or connection precisely. For checking, there are several different sequences of steps depending on the situation and each step has its own time frame. See Check & Copy section of Source/SnowyImageCopy/Models/Operator.cs

For the second question, the timeout duration acts as the maximum time length for each request from this app to the card. If this app cannot receive the response within this time length, the request will be automatically aborted. See FileManager.DownloadBytesAsync method of Source/SnowyImageCopy/Models/ImageFile/FileManager.cs The number of requests for each checking or copying varies depending on the number of folders and files in the card.

dentphoto commented 4 years ago

Snowy 1.7 is a very powerful tool for my Flashair. Thank you very much for your help.

dentphoto commented 4 years ago

Sorry but last question.^^

In my opinion, the moment the message "Cannot connect to FlashAir" disappears is the very moment of "Flashair Connected". Is it right? If so, is it possible to define that moment?

emoacht commented 4 years ago

It is wrong. The message will be shown when the connection fails any time during the connection. The connection you have talked is quite vague. Well, the word connection itself is something vague.

I suggest you to go back to the original purpose of your suggestion and think about the straight forward way to accomplish the purpose. It needs not necessarily involve this app and there might be much more sophisticated way for the task.