Open jonatino opened 1 year ago
Was able to get it working with the following code.
let mut window = Window::new("Raqote", BS_WIDTH as usize, BS_HEIGHT as usize, WindowOptions {
transparency: false,
borderless: true,
scale_mode: ScaleMode::Center,
none: true,
title: false,
resize: false,
scale: Scale::X1,
topmost: true,
let font = SystemSource::new()
.select_best_match(&[FamilyName::SansSerif], &Properties::new())
let size = window.get_size();
let hwnd: HWND = window.get_window_handle() as isize;
println!("{:?}", hwnd);
unsafe { SetWindowLongA(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, (WS_EX_LAYERED | WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) as i32) };
let mut margs = MARGINS {
cxLeftWidth: -1,
cxRightWidth: -1,
cyTopHeight: -1,
cyBottomHeight: -1,
unsafe { DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(hwnd, &mut margs) };
unsafe { UpdateWindow(hwnd) };
unsafe { SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, size.0 as i32, size.1 as i32, SWP_SHOWWINDOW) };
let mut dt = DrawTarget::new(size.0 as i32, size.1 as i32);
loop {
dt.clear(SolidSource::from_unpremultiplied_argb(0, 0, 0, 0));
let mut pb = PathBuilder::new();
if let Some(pos) = window.get_mouse_pos(MouseMode::Clamp) {
pb.rect(pos.0, pos.1, 100., 130.);
let path = pb.finish();
dt.fill(&path, &Source::Solid(SolidSource::from_unpremultiplied_argb(50, 0, 0xff, 0)), &DrawOptions::default());
let pos_string = format!("{:?}", pos);
dt.draw_text(&font, 36., &pos_string, Point::new(0., 100.),
&Source::Solid(SolidSource::from_unpremultiplied_argb(0xff, 255, 0, 0)),
window.update_with_buffer(dt.get_data(), size.0, size.1).unwrap();
There is an open issue for it here I haven't added any of this support myself and I have only accepted PR for it, so if you are willing to do that it would be great!
@emoon I'll try to make a PR for it. While I'm at it, do you have any objections to me replacing the winapi
crate with the microsoft official windows-sys
Both sound good to me! :+1:
I'm trying to run the example from on Windows but my window is just one solid color, not transparent.
Is it supported on windows?