emoose / MBINCompiler

Now maintained by monkeyman192: https://github.com/monkeyman192/MBINCompiler
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MBINCompiler.csproj and line endings #83

Closed lobolmart closed 7 years ago

lobolmart commented 7 years ago

anytime i add files to the project in VS2015, MBINCompiler.csproj is updated with DOS LEs while the one in the repo (original) is with UNIX LEs, which causes a big diff for said file. :(

is there a way to make VS2015 to use UNIX LEs for MBINCompiler.csproj?

emoose commented 7 years ago

There's a way for git to convert DOS to Unix & vice-versa auto, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10418975/how-to-change-line-ending-settings should help.

Not sure if that takes effect on diffing though, but I've got it enabled (core.autocrlf = true) and the diffs have always been fine for me so I guess it does.

lobolmart commented 7 years ago

thanks, i was looking for a VS2015 option, but i guess core.autocrlf would do for now.

TangentFoxy commented 7 years ago

For future reference, you should probably always be doing this in your global gitconfig. The same problem crops up everywhere and this fixes it without you having to worry.

lobolmart commented 7 years ago

i've contributed to projects which are very strict about line endings and whitespace, so autocrlf was never an option.

from my POV, i see it mostly as a VS2015 issue, since they are yet to sort the software messing up the line endings. :(