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Assess PUI site accessibility and identify issues for remediation #103

Closed erussey closed 1 year ago

erussey commented 1 year ago

Please assess the accessibility of the public user interface site (archives-test.libraries.emory.edu) and identify issues where accessibility standards are not being met. Part of the task of this ticket is to identify what standards to apply.

maxdmayhew commented 1 year ago

from ticket #102 https://accessibility.princeton.edu/how/content/headings

maxdmayhew commented 1 year ago
CB987 commented 1 year ago

The Chrome Lighthouse assessment tool found:

[id] attributes on active, focusable elements are not unique
This is in the resources results, which may not be in our control, but coming from Lyrasis.

```Background and foreground colors do not have a sufficient contrast ratio.

```Links do not have a discernible name
the footer logo on archives.libraries

```Heading elements are not in a sequentially-descending order```
goes from h1 to h3 without an h2 

on a PUI search results page, archives.libraries/search?
```ARIA IDs are not unique

```<dl>'s do not contain only properly-ordered <dt> and <dd> groups, <script>, <template> or <div> elements.```

on a resource page, 
CB987 commented 1 year ago

I'm starting with Google Chrome Lighthouse. Here are also the WCAG guidelines.

CB987 commented 1 year ago

Axe dev tools reports: on home page: 9 "serious" errors. 4 text with insufficient color contrast and 5 links that need more info for screen readers. and 9 "moderate" errors. lack of heading hierarchy, and landmarks issues, including lack of one main landmark,

erussey commented 1 year ago

@CB987 : When the analysis is done, please let me know so I can set up a meeting w/ you @maxdmayhew @rotated8 to think through which of these things makes sense to fix and which should be submitted to the ASpace community as an addition to the core code. (It might be that we can contribute that code to them as part of the ticket. Not sure how that would work.)

CB987 commented 1 year ago

Sure. Some of the things that we're finding are not coming from our overrides/plugin, so it makes sense to submit those to Lyrasis. I would think that most of the things within our own plugins should be pretty easy to maintain. But yes, let's discuss and prioritize. I think I am getting a pretty good picture of the across-the-board issues.

CB987 commented 1 year ago

Testing home page, /repositiories, /repositories/resources, /search, /repositories/#/resources, repositories/#/resources/#

Manually checked: Page titles: look good. Images have alt text: logo in both public and staff headers yes, logo in footer being not technically and does not but did get called out for being a link without a name. Headings: not appropriately nested on all pages.

CB987 commented 1 year ago

@erussey I think this is done. Do you want to schedule the appt with everyone or do you want me to?

erussey commented 1 year ago

@tmill29 is scheduling a meeting to discuss the above.

tmill29 commented 1 year ago

The meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 9th at 2 pm

erussey commented 1 year ago

Marking this as done as we had the meeting above and decided on which issues to proceed with. Resulted in #143, #142, #145, #141, #144