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Document configurable dropdown menu options #109

Closed erussey closed 1 year ago

erussey commented 1 year ago

ArchivesSpace has a number of dropdown menus that can be customized. Please create a report of all configurable dropdown menus along with the values currently in each list. Please also provide information about how to merge/change values. This report will be sent to the archivists, who will figure out which changes/deletions need to be made.

The ArchivesSpace manual has additional information about dropdown menus and how to customize.

lisahamlett commented 1 year ago

I have posted the question about how to do this to the basecamp: https://3.basecamp.com/3410311/buckets/29543127/messages/5965328357

tmiles2 commented 1 year ago

Avery will take the first pass at gather information on where this information lives.

avejohnson commented 1 year ago

Per Blake: "I guess in this case the only way to do it will be bad/tedious, and that's to click around and find them all. The code has them scattered and I can't see any way that's easier on the code side. Nothing in the locales or code is called out as "drop down" in any helpful way."

So it appears that this process will have to be done manually.

avejohnson commented 1 year ago

It looks like we can gather the controlled value lists through an API call. Backend team should take over for that.

avejohnson commented 1 year ago


"Just a thought. By drop-downs, do the archivists by any chance mean the Controlled Value Lists https://emory-dev.lyrasistechnology.org/staff/enumerations? If so, you can pull those through the API. https://archivesspace.github.io/archivesspace/api/?shell#list-all-defined-enumerations-as-a-csv."

erussey commented 1 year ago

Yes, we absolutely mean the above. This should be reassigned to backend.

bwatson78 commented 1 year ago

Direct output of API https://emory-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/bwatso9_emory_edu/Ean_OnsQjC5Em6QWKAiEoFMBOw3ivammmdfyc3ExighBSw?e=O6lHw1