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Operating Level Agreement: ArchivesSpace #132

Closed tmill29 closed 9 months ago

tmill29 commented 1 year ago
AGCooper commented 1 year ago

Draft https://emory.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/EULLTDS/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B74FF3F47-784B-47B4-98F7-A644F9C97B87%7D&file=OLA-ArchivesSpace-Draft-2023-for-Approval.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true

tmill29 commented 1 year ago

Adding to blocked due to the dependency of the Aeon OLA and OLA template.

libdgg commented 1 year ago

Alex, Elizabeth, Cari and I are meeting Monday 5/22. Draft agenda below.

We need to get closure for the 2 associated documents below before we can complete the Aeon OLA work.

Support Tiers

Ticket Norms

The Aeon OLA is otherwise ready once we get closure on the above bullets. Once that is done it should unblock the remaining work for the ASpace OLA.

libdgg commented 1 year ago

@erussey @lovinscari @AGCooper and @libdgg ACTION:

NOTE: The work above will inform updates to the OLA template ServiceNow CI etc.

tmill29 commented 1 year ago

Alex and Elizabeth will meet this Thursday.

lovinscari commented 1 year ago

@erussey and @lovinscari to meet 6/22/23 to review the comments and status of the Aeon OLA. A meeting to confirm Aeon support tiers and operational workflows is scheduled for 6/26/23 with everyone involved in the processes. Notes and comments from that meeting will be noted as information needed for the ArchivesSpace OLA.

lovinscari commented 1 year ago

The individuals responsible for supporting Aeon and ArchivesSpace met on 6/26/23 to review the Support Model Tiers document, draft OLA, Service Criticality Tiers and ServiceNow ticket norms document. The Support Model Tiers document was reviewed in its entirety, which I will incorporate comments, edit the document (cleanup) and send to the individuals listed for their approval. Another meeting will be scheduled for the week of 7/24/23 to hopefully finalize the remaining documents and incorporate the work from Aeon support documents into the ArchivesSpace support documents. Links to documents and meeting notes to be added by the end of this week.

tmill29 commented 1 year ago

Meeting will be held July 27th to discuss Aeon OLA.

erussey commented 9 months ago

OLAs being sent out for final signature week of October 23.