emory-libraries / aspace

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Add text to the ASpace requesting help page. #148

Closed erussey closed 1 year ago

erussey commented 1 year ago

Text, links, and images for this page are mocked up here: https://emory.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/EmoryUniversityLibraries/Shared%20Documents/Project%20Management%20Office/EUL%20Projects/01%20Active%20Project/ArchivesSpace%20Phase%20II/02%20Planning%20and%20Execution/Workflow%20Implementation%20Team/Requesting%20help%20page%20language.docx?d=w0884ab59da74466ebaa2b68dc0c1be50&csf=1&web=1&e=EHRcut

Note that the page includes some screenshot images that need to be included with the text. Headers are in bold.

maxdmayhew commented 1 year ago

@erussey do you have the text for this ticket?

erussey commented 1 year ago

@maxdmayhew : Just added the page text to the ticket. Let me know if you have questions!

maxdmayhew commented 1 year ago

updated the estimate since this page is a bit longer than the others and has images and several links.

maxdmayhew commented 1 year ago

PR submitted


erussey commented 1 year ago

@maxdmayhew : The screenshot of the buttons has the hover text. Can we also get the screenshots of the warning messages a little cleaner (I'm seeing part of the header in the first one)? All the screenshots are also way too big.

maxdmayhew commented 1 year ago


image sizes updated and cleaned up, submitting PR