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Delete EFA SQL databases and applications #164

Closed erussey closed 1 year ago

erussey commented 1 year ago

The test application, test SVN data, and test SQL database can be deleted as soon as is feasible. The production application, production SVN data, and production SQL database cannot be deleted until September 14 to give time for stakeholder notification.

**The following applications will need to remain per discussion in #40: Fedora, RabbitMQ, eXist, SOLR, (possibly SVN/SVNmount) needs to remain in place as-is. Need to investigate if there are changes that need to be made to celery.

erussey commented 1 year ago

I have scheduled two meetings to manage this issue post-launch on 9/6 @1pm and 9/14@3pm.

erussey commented 1 year ago

Per discussion on 8/18, the tasks in this ticket may be done in any order. The goal is to complete all of these tasks by 9/14 to stay in alignment with the OIT server project. Deletion of the EFA applications off the server only covers the EFA application/test application. It does not include any dependencies as noted in the ticket.

erussey commented 1 year ago

Confirming for the ticket that we are good to go with deletion. I have not heard any concerns from stakeholders related to this action.

kbowaterskelly commented 1 year ago

DBs were dropped in ticket INC04123255 Application test and prod deleted SVN data scrubbed

Ready for review, noting here I need to either reimplement a redirect or a DNS canonical name change for findingaids.library I am assuming we should drop the SVN repo "findingaids" but I didn't see that on the list and I didn't pull a copy down yet so leaving it for now

kbowaterskelly commented 1 year ago

Here is a list of the remaining SVN repos

afampamph ecp hdot metacombine portlet_NewBooks sspmigration african_origins edc_data_freeway hdot-php metalib_portlet portlet_RSSPrimo steve aptdump edc_web_search help methodist Primo steve2 atlmaps ejournals_finder httpstatus mike python-eulcore SymplecticConnector belfast eliotx icdb mobile_applications rd_registrar_scripts tracmodifications binmarc2marcxml emorylib-mediawiki iGoogle_Primo molvis readux webns civilwar etd iGoogle_Primo_svn mystaffweb retention wgf core_services EULwebs iln namespace-uri-docs rssportlet xmldbOAI dawson ewwrp isrs newbooks_portlet rushdie-tools xml-utilities db_locator ewwrp-php javascript_eulcore ocm_finder schanges xquery-modules digital_innovations ez_mvc lcstats openemory schemas yeats digital_masters fedora lincoln openportal scriptaculous yjallen digitization_workflow fez local-fedora oxfordexperience SearchPro zendPing disc_trac findingaids local-pdfbox pdcheck slavevoyages zGizmo django-eulcore formfaces lsdi persis smallpox drm frenchrevolution mapportlet podcast_template small_projects drupalsites gadget Marc8CharSet portlet_Itunes southcomb dummy gl_hours merton portlet_LDAPlogin southernspacesmetaform dwrangler greatwar metaarchive portlet_Metalib spatialvision

erussey commented 1 year ago

Leaving the findingaids SVN repository in place is correct. We didn't want to touch that for fear it would take the Keep infrastructure down. However, we do need a plan soon to get the redirects back. I don't think I realized it would take that down when we took the application down. Google is still showing old search results to EFA, so we do need those redirects to avoid patron confusion.

libdgg commented 1 year ago

Kaeln put a bandaid fix on it until the correct dns record is added. should be fine for now.

kbowaterskelly commented 1 year ago

Not able to do this with DNS at this time because ArchivesSpace is vendor-hosted. We will maintain a redirect on our side going forward. I don't believe there are any remaining issues, we should be ready to close this.