The ASpace Help Center is an ArchivesSpace community member benefit. It includes access to recorded members-only training videos, user tutorial videos, and a user manual. All Emory ASpace team members should establish access to this site.
To gain access to the ASpace Help Center:
If you do not have an Atlassian Confluence account using your email address, you must create one. Accounts established using other domains will not work. Follow the steps on the Atlassian Confluence Account Creation Page. You can skip the built-in questions from Atlassian.
In 1-2 business days, you should receive an email notifying you that your access has been granted. If you do not receive access, please let @erussey know.
The ASpace Help Center is an ArchivesSpace community member benefit. It includes access to recorded members-only training videos, user tutorial videos, and a user manual. All Emory ASpace team members should establish access to this site.
To gain access to the ASpace Help Center:
If you do not have an Atlassian Confluence account using your email address, you must create one. Accounts established using other domains will not work. Follow the steps on the Atlassian Confluence Account Creation Page. You can skip the built-in questions from Atlassian.
In 1-2 business days, you should receive an email notifying you that your access has been granted. If you do not receive access, please let @erussey know.