emory-libraries / aspace

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Determine how to add the ASpace version number to the footer in the PUI interface #84

Closed erussey closed 1 year ago

erussey commented 1 year ago

The ASpace version number seems to be restricted to specific admin users with special privileges. We need to add the ASpace version number to the footer in the PUI. This includes both the ASpace version and the version of Emory's plug-ins and local configurations which will be also tracked in our github releases.

rotated8 commented 1 year ago


Example changes to the footer to show the ASpace version, and the Plugins version. The plugins version will come from the config.rb setting AppConfig[:emory_plugins_version] The Plugins version should be manually set and updated in the deployment repository so it can be read into this space in the footer. The plugins version should only be added to the PUI footer.