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Restore ability to bulk export in Articles+ #1323

Open tclayton33 opened 1 year ago

tclayton33 commented 1 year ago

User Story: As a user in Articles+, I would like the ability to export or print saved articles articles in bulk, so that I don't have to repeat this process for each item I have saved.

Background: This function exists natively in Primo VE, but our implementation doesn't include it. In Emory's implementation, users can pin articles, and an animation rises to the top of the screen. Then the user can select "my favorites" from the top right menu. However, on this page there is no option to bulk export or print all the items. This action must be taken one at a time: Emory's Articles+

I couldn't find a completely unstylized version of Primo VE, but I searched several implementations and it appears that the out of the box version works like these 2 examples: George Mason's Primo VE NMSU's Primo VE

I'm not sure if this was something that was accidentally excluded or overlooked, or if this was turned off deliberately for some reason. I'm hoping for the former and that this functionality can be restored with some css or Alma Discovery settings tweaking.

This issue is linked to Enhancement request 30