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Rights Status for parent works #620

Closed eporter23 closed 3 years ago

eporter23 commented 4 years ago

When we create parent-child works, the parent work must receive all required metadata like its children. The children may all have different rights statuses, however, particularly for serial publications published over a long period of time.

The available values for rightststatements.org do not provide an option for an aggregated/variable rights status.

More info/proposed workarounds


eporter23 commented 4 years ago

@nikdragovic updating this ticket based on SCO's recommendation from 6/30/20.

nikdragovic commented 4 years ago

@wulman16 Here is a screenshot of what I see from the Add a New Work page in curate-test. Should I see the "Copyright Varies by Work" designation in this list?

Screen Shot 2020-07-09 at 2.24.28 PM.png

wulman16 commented 4 years ago

@nikdragovic Yes, from my understanding, it's a field that's available to all new works by default, but is only intended to be used for parent works.

nikdragovic commented 4 years ago

@wulman16 Thanks. I tried editing an existing parent work and couldn't get the option to show up in the list. I created a new work and Kathryn helped me attach a child work; still can't get it to show up:


Hopefully I'm looking in the right place. I don't see any changes in the QA vocab definition that Emily linked to in the ticket description, but I'm not sure if I should be.

wulman16 commented 4 years ago

@nikdragovic It looks like this code isn't actually deployed yet. I moved this ticket back to To Deploy - Arch/Test. Sorry about that. Edit: To be more specific, the code on the Curate side isn't deployed yet. The Lux part of this work is deployed to digital-arch and digital-test.

nikdragovic commented 4 years ago

@wulman16 Okay, thanks! Do the release notes for v1.1.10 need to be revised?

Edit: Thanks for clarifying.