emory-libraries / findingaids

Django-based website for search, display and administration of archival finding aids in EAD XML in an eXist xml database
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Exist DB #7

Closed alexBLR closed 6 years ago

alexBLR commented 6 years ago

For each collection, we need unit title and date. Only from MARBL repo

alexBLR commented 6 years ago

declare namespace e='urn:isbn:1-931666-22-9';

for $ad in /e:ead/e:archdesc[@level='collection']

let $title := $ad/e:did/e:unittitle/text() let $date := $ad/e:did/e:unittitle/e:unitdate/text() let $repository := $ad/e:did/e:repository/e:subarea/text() where fn:contains($repository, "Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library")

return {$title/string()}{$date}

alexBLR commented 6 years ago
