emorynlp / nlp4j-morphology

Morphological analysis: lemmatization.
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adjective.base: The most words from the following list are not adjectives #4

Open avostryakov opened 8 years ago

avostryakov commented 8 years ago

abducted abducting aberdonian abhorred abkhaz ablated abloom abnaki about-face abraded abreast abroad absolved abyssinian acanthus accelerando accelerating accented accentuated acclimatized accompanied accompanying accoutered accrediting acculturated accurst achieved acidified acquitted acrostic action-movie activating actualized actuated actuating ad-libbed ad-libbing adaptationist added adducting adjudicated administered admired admitted admonishing adored adorned adscript adsorbate adsorbed adulterant adulterating advancing advantaged adventist advocated aegean aeolotropic aeromechanic aerosolised aestheticized affined affixed afflicted affronted afghan afghani aflare afloat afoot afoul african african-american afrikaans afrikaner afro aft agglomerated aggravated aggravating aggregated agitating agonised agonising agonized ahead ahorseback aided ailing ain air-conditioner air-conditioning airbrushed aired akkadian alanine alaskan albanian albino aldermanly alembic alendronate alerted algonquin alienating aligning all all-in-one allargando allegretto alsatian alter alter-ego altissimo alto aluminized amalgamate amassed ameliorating amenorrheic americanized amharic amidship amish ammoniated amnesiac amoeboid amok amplified amputated amuck anabaptist anasazi anchored andantino angered angled anglican anglo anglo-french anglo-saxon anguishing animating animist annealing annihilated annihilating annotated annotating annualized anointed anonymized answered answering antarctic anthropomorphized anti-abortionists anti-aircraft anti-americanism anti-art anti-globalization anti-gravity anti-heroes anti-inflammatories anti-matter anti-racism anti-virus antiinflammatory antimonial antiqued antivirus any apache apart apologized appalachian appareled appeasing appended appetising applauded appliqued apportioned appraised appraising apprehended apprenticed appropriated arab arabesque arabian arachnid aragonese aramaean aramaic arced arch-rival archaean archaeozoic arching archosaurian archrival arco arginine argive arian arm-wrestling armory aroid aroused arraigned arranged arrayed arresting artificial-intelligence artiodactyl aryan ascending ascertained ascribed asia-pacific asian asphyxiated asphyxiating aspiring assamese assassinated assaulted assaulter assembled asserting assimilated assimilating assimilationist assisted assisted-suicide assuming assuring assyrian asterisked asteroid astonied astray asunder at-bat athenian atlantic atomized atoning attacked attacker attained attic attracting attrited audiotaped austrian autarky authenticated authored auto-insurance auto-racing autographed autoloading automatized avant-gardists avenged avenging averaged avestan avoided awaited awarded awing azeri azido aztec azygos baby-sat babylonian bacchanalian back-and-forth back-end back-to-basics back-up backdating backer backlogged backscattered bactrian bad-boy bad-faith bad-mouth bad-mouthed bad-mouthing bagged bail-out baited baldy baled baleen balinese balkanized balking balled bamboozled bandaged banished banqueting bantu banyan baptist bareback barebacked bared bargainer baritone barricaded bartered baserunning bashed basque bastardised bastardized bats batted batwing bavarian be-all beaded beaked beamed bean-counters beater bedaubed bedazzled bedded bedeviled bedimmed beetle beetling beforehand befouled beginning begotten begrimed beguiled beguine behaviorist behaviourist behind belabored belgian belittled belittling bell-bottoms belted bench-press benched beneficiary bengal bengali berber beribboned beseeching besieged besprent beta-carotene betrayed betrothed bettering bhutanese bias bibbed bicentenary bicorn biface bilat billion billowing biopharmaceutical biosafety biotech biped birch bisphosphonate biter bivalve bivouacked blackguardly blacktip blame blanketed blaring blase blasting blebbed bleeping blest blinded blindfold blindsided blockaded blockading bloodied blow-dried blow-drying blow-off bludgeoning blue-black blue-blood blued blues-rock blundering blunted boarded bobbed bobsled bobtail boeotian boffo bolognese bolshevik bolstered bolt-action bolted bombarded bombed bombmaking bonded boner boogie-woogie book-signing booked bookmaking bookselling boolean boosted boot-cut booted bootlegged bootlicking bootstrapped bordered borrowed bosnian bother botryoid bottled bottlenecked bounced bounder bovid bow-tie bower bowing bowleg box-office brachiopod bracketed braggart bragging brainwashed braised branching branchiopod brand-name branded brandied brazilian breached breaded break-in breakeven breastfed breathed breathing breeched brewed bricked brimming brined bristled british briton broached broadcaster broadened broadside broadsided broiled broiling broke brokered bronzed brooder browbeaten brown-bag browned bruised bruising brunet brush-off brutalized brute-force bubbled bubbling buckled buckram buddhist buffed bugged bulgarian bulging bulldozed bullied bullying bumbling bummed bumper-sticker bunched bundled bungaloid bungled burbling burdened bureaucratized burgundian burked burled burmese burned burred burst burster burundi bushwhacking buster bustling butch butchered butted butterflied buy-out buzzing bypassed byzantine c c-section cabinetmaking cable-car caecilian calabrian calendered calendula calibrated californian called caller callus calming caloric calving calvinist cambodian cambric canaanite canadian canceled caned canonised canonist canted canter cantering cantilevered cantonese capitalized capped capsid capsized captioned captivated caramel caramelized carangid carbonized carbonyl carboxyl carbureted carcinoid cardboard caribbean caricatured carnassial carnelian carnitine carnival carny caroline carolinian carousing carpal carpetbagging carpeted carried carryout carthaginian caryatid casebook cash-flow cast cast-iron caster castilian castiron castled catalan catch-up catching catchpenny categorised catenary cathedral catty caught caulked cc cd cease-fire ceded cell-phone celluloid celtic cemented centennial centerfire centralised centralising centralizing cephalopod cereal chafed chagrined chain-smoked chain-smoking chaldean chalked chambered chance changing chanted charged charted chased chastening chastised chat-room chauffeured cheap-shot cheapie cheering cheesemaking cherokee chi-square chinked chiropractic chloral chlordane chocoholic choked choo-choo chosen christened chromed chrysotile chuffed church-going churned churning chytrid cinched circassian circumscribed cissy cited city-state civil-law civil-service civilised civilizing cl clad claimed clanging clanking clarifying clashing clasped classicizing clawed cleared cleated cleft clerestory clinched clinking clocked clogging cloisonne cloned closed-form clothed clotted cloud-seeding cloze clubbed clumped clustered co-located co-parenting coagulate coalesced coalescing coarsened coated cocked coddled codependent coder coed coedited coerced coexisting cogged cohousing coifed coiffed coiling coinciding coined coitus collapsed collapsing collectivised collectivized colly colombian colonised colonized colonizing colorized colour columbian combatant combed comforted commandeered commemorating commended commercialised commissary commissioned commodified community-college compacted compartmentalised compensated compiled complaining completing complicating composted composting compounded comradely concealed concealing conceptualized concluded concurring condemning confederated configured confining confirming confiscate conflated conflicted confounding congolese conjugate conning conquered conquering conscripted consecrate consecrated consistory consoling constituted constrained constraining constricted constricting constructed consulting consummated containerized contaminating contending contextualized continuant continuing contorted contrabass contralto contrarian contributing contumely conventionalised conventionalized convulsed cooccurring copal copied coptic cored corinthian corking cornered cornish correlate corrupting corseted corsican corticosteroid coruscating cosher cossack cost-effectiveness costumer cotton-candy counseled counterfeiter counterinsurgent counternarcotics counternarrative counterpoised countertenor counterterror countervailing countryfied coupled courted cracker crackers crackle crackling craic crashed crasher crashing crated craved crayoned creaking creamed creamer created creatine creationist credentialed credentialled creeping cremated creole creolized crescendo crescent crimean cringing crisped criss-cross criss-crossing criticized crocheted crookback crookneck crop-dusting cropped cross-breeding cross-checked cross-cousin cross-dressing cross-examination cross-hatched cross-pollinated cross-validation crossed crosshatched crowing crowned crumbled crumbling crunched crusading crustacean crusted crystalised crystalized crystallised cuban cubby cubed cuckolded cuddy cuffed cupid cure-all cured curl-up curled curlicued curling curtailed curtained curtal cushioned custom-tailored customer cut-out cut-up cutup cv cyanophyte cyborg cyclosporine cymbal cypriot cyrillic czarist czech dabbled dadaist dalmatian dammed dampened danish darkened darkening darwinist data-base daunted dazzled dead-set deadened deadening deadlocked deafened deal-maker dealer debased debasing decaying deceived decentered decentralising decentralizing deciding decimated deciphered decision-making declassified declined declining decoded decoding decolonized decommissioned decomposed decomposing decompound deconsecrated deconstructed decontextualized decorated decoupling decreased decreasing decreed decubitus deep-freeze deep-fry deep-frying deep-sixed deepened deepening defacto defaulted defending deflated deflected defoliate defoliated defrauded defrocked defrosted degenerated dehumanised dehumanized dehumanizing deified delegated deleted delineate delousing demobilized demobilizing democratized demolished demonized demonstrated demoralised demoralized demoted demythologized denied denigrated denigrating dented dependant depersonalized depicted deployed depoliticized depopulated deported depository depreciated derailed deregulated derided desalinated descending described desecrated desegregated desensitising desensitized desensitizing deserter deserved desiccate desiccating designing desired desolated despoiled destabilized destabilizing destroyed detained deteriorated determining detested dethroned detoxifying devalued deviate deviated deviled devouring devoutly dewatered diagnosed dialectic dialed dialled diced dichotomized dickering dickey dictated dictyopteran die-cast die-off die-offs differentiating differing diffracted diffused diffusing digested digitalized dignifying dilated dimensioning dimer dimmed dinged dipped directing dirt disabling disabused disaggregated disapproving disarming disarranged disarrayed disassembled disbanded disbarred discarded discharged disclosed discoloured discomfited discomfiting discomforting discontent discounted discovered discredited discriminate discussed disdained disemboweled disempowered disenchanted disenchanting disengaged disentangled disfigured disfiguring disfranchised dishonored dishwashing disillusioning disinherited disinhibited disintegrating disjoined disjunct disliked dislocated dislodged dismantled dismaying dismembered dismissed disobliging disorientated disorienting disparaged dispensed displeased disposed disqualified disqualifying disquieted disrespected dissatisfying dissected dissed dissembling dissenting dissociated distanced distilled distributed districting disunited diverging diverting divested dizzied djiboutian do-nothing docked documentarian documented dodged dogfighting dogging dogsled dominated dominating dominican donated donatist doo-wop dorian doric dosed dot-com double-action double-checked double-checking double-crossed double-crossing double-decker double-dip double-parked double-quick double-team double-time double-whammy double-wide doubled doublewide doubting doused dovetailed dowered down-low downer downsized downwind dozen dragging dramatized draped drawn drawstring dreamed dress dressed dresser drifted drilled dripped drive-bys drive-thru drizzling dropped dropping drowsing drudging drugged drumhead dry-clean dry-cleaned dry-cleaning duckbill ducky dud due-process duelling dulled dumb-ass dumbfounding dumfounding dummy dumped duped duplicated duppy durn dutch dwarfed dysentery e-book e-business e-learning e-mailed e-reader e-readers e-waste earmarked earned eased easter eastside ebonized echoing ecliptic economic-development edger edgewise edified editor-in-chief effected effervescing effrontery egyptian eight eighty ejected elapsed elasticised elasticized elating electro electrocuted eleven elicited eliminated elysian emailed emancipated emasculated embalmed embargoed embellished embezzled embittered embodied embroidered embroiled emended emissary emitted emphasised emphasized empowering emptied emulated emulsified enabling enameled enamelled enamoured encapsulated encased encaustic enceinte enchained encircled encompassing end-of-life ended enduring energising energized energizing enervating enfeebled enfeebling enflamed engrained engulfed enkindled enlightening enlivened enlivening ennobling enough enraptured enshrouded enslaved ensorcelled entertained enthralled entitled entombed entrapped entwined enucleated enured enveloping envied environmentalist envisioned enwrapped ephedrine ephesian equaled equipoised equipped eroding eroticized errhine erring escalated escalating eskimo espaliered espoused essene essentialized estonian estranging ethiopian etiolate etruscan eurasiatic european euthanized evaporated everted evicted evidenced eviscerate eviscerated evoked evolved evolving ex ex-boyfriend ex-con ex-girlfriend ex-husband ex-slave exacerbating exalting examined excavated exceptionalist exchanged excised excluded exclusivist excommunicated excrescent exculpated excused executed exemplifying exfoliating exhaled exhibited exhilarated exhumed exiled expanding expelled explained exploded exploited explored exported exposed expressed expropriated exterminated externalized extinguishing extracted extrapolated extravert extruded eye-to-eye eye-witness face-down fact-checking factionalized faded faerie fagged failed failing faineant faked falsetto faltering familiarised familiarising familiarized familiarizing family-size fancied fanned fanny fantasized farmed farsi farting fascinated fast-forward fast-forwarded fastened fatalist fatiguing fattened fave favored fawning faxed fazed fecking fed federalized felled feller felt-tip felt-tipped felted fen-phen fenestral fertilized festering fetched fetishized fibroid fibula fictionalized field-test fifteen fifty fiftysomething fight-or-flight fijian filed filipino fill-in filmed filtered finalized fine-tune fine-tuned fined fingered finnish fire-engine firefighting first-floor fissured fist-pumping fistula five five-and-dime fixer-upper flag-burning flagellated flagged flagging flailing flaked flared flaring flasher flatfoot flavonoid flayed flecked fledging flemish fleur-de-lis flicked flickering flint flip-flopped flip-flopping flocked floodlighted floored floribunda flounced floured flourishing flubbed fluctuating fluffed flunky fluoridated fluorine fluttering fly-by-night fly-fish flyspeck foamed foaming focalized focus-group focussed fogged folded folder folk-rock follow-up fool fooling foot-pounds for-profits force-fed force-feeding foreclosed foregrounded forehand foreigner foreordained foreseen foreshadowing foreshortened forest forestalled forewarned forfeit forgone formalised formalized formulary formulated forsaken forthrightly fortissimo fortune-telling forty fortysomething forwarding fossil fouled found founder foundering four four-door four-eyes four-in-hand four-square fowling fractionated framed franchised franciscan franking frankish frayed free-marketeers freed freeskiing freewheeling freewill freighted frenchy frequentist fresco freshened freshman freudian frisian front-running frothing frowning fruited fruiting fuddled fueled fulfilled fulgurating fumbled fumbling fumed fundamentalist funeral-home funneled furled furloughed furrowed fuzzed gaelic gagged galangal galilean galled galloping galvanising galvanized galvanizing gang-raped garbed garlanded garnered garnished gassed gatekeeping gathered gating geared gelled gemmed general-election generalist generated generating genoese gentrified georgian gerrymandered gesticulating get-together get-up-and-go ghettoized gi gift-wrapped gingerly give-and-take glad-handing gladdened glassblowing glimmering glimpsed glinting glistening globalizing globetrotting glommed glomus glooming glowering glued glutted glyphosate gnostic go go-cart go-kart go-slow goaded goaltending goer goldenseal golf-club goner goo-goo good-faith good-for-nothing goody goody-goody goose-stepping gothic gouged governed governing gowned gradatory grader gradualist grafted granary grandfathered granted graphed gratified gratifying graveled grayed graying grazed grazing greased great-aunt great-grandfather great-grandmother great-great-grandfather great-great-grandparents great-uncle greenhouse greenlit greyed greying grieved grieving gritted groomed groping grossed grounder grouped grouper groveling grovelling grumbling guaranty guest guiding gummed gunmetal gunny gurgling guyanese habited habituated hadean haircutting hairsplitting haitian hale half-and-half half-century half-dollar half-inch half-mast half-measures half-moon half-moons half-pint halfcourt halfway hallucinated hallucinating halt halter halved ham hand-off handcuffed handheld handicapping handpicked handwashing harassed harbored hardboiled harmonised harmonized harnessed harvested hassled hatched haunting hausa hawaiian he-man head-butted head-butting head-turner header headlined healed healing heard hearsay heartened hebdomadary hebrew heightening held heli-ski heli-skiing hell-hole hellenic helped hemmed hep heralded heraldist herniated herstory hesitating heterosexist hex hibernating hick high-low high-pass high-rise high-rises high-sticking high-test high-top higher-up highlighted highrise highschool hindered hindering hindi hindu hindustani hip-hop hired hispanic historicized hit hitched hittite hmong hoarded hobbled hog-tied hole-in-the-wall hollowed hollywood holstered homed homer homeschooled homesteading homilist homing homogenised homogenizing honky honky-tonk hoody hooped hopi horse-race hosed hospitalized hot-chocolate hot-tub housed housewarming howling humanized humanizing humored hunched hundred hungarian hunger hunter-gatherer hurrying hush hustle-bustle hybridized hydrate hydrating hydrolyzed hyped hypertrophied hypnotised hypothesized i iberian ibuprofen ice-skating icelandic idealist identified idled idolised idolized ignited ignored ill-used illogic illuminating illustrated imaged imagist imbedded imbibing imitation immersed immunised immunosorbent impaneled impeached impeded impeding impelled impelling implanted implemented implicated imploring imposed impounded impregnated impressionist imprisoned improv in-fill in-patient inactivated inaugurated inboards inca incarcerated incarnated incased incinerated incised included inclusivist incorporate increasing indented indian indicated indicted indie individualised individualist individuated indo-european indonesian indurated indy infested infidel infomercial infrahuman ingested inhaled inheriting inhibited inhumanly inhumed initialed initiated injected injunctive inline inoculated inpouring inquiring inserted insider insinuating inspected instinct institutionalised instrumented intellectualized intensified intensifying inter interbred intercepted interconnecting intercorrelated intercrossed interest interfering interlacing interleaved interlocked intermarried intermeshed intermingled internalized internals internationalized interpolated interpreted intersecting interviewed interwoven intoned intrigued introjected intruding intuit intuitionist inuit inured invaded invading invalidating invested investigated invigorated iodised ionised iranian iraqi ironed irrigated islamist island-hopping isolating isoniazid israelite issuing italian italicized itemized iterated ivory-bill jailed jamaican jampacked jangled jangling japanese javanese jeering jelled jerk-off jerking jerry-rigged jesuit jet-engine jet-setting jetting jilted jingling jinxed jittering joined jointer joking jolted jolting jordanian jovian judged julian julienned jump-start jump-started junior-college junk junked jurassic jutting karelian kashmiri kayoed keloid kenyan kept keyed kick-started kiddy kilowatt-hour kindled kiss-off kneaded knit knobbed knock-knock knock-off knotted knurled korean kung-fu laboring labour labouring lacking lacquered lactating lagged laid lame-duck lamellibranch lamenting laminate lancastrian lancinate lander landfilled landscaped lao lapsed larboard lashing lat latched lateen latin latina latino latvian lauded laughing launched laundered lawmaking lawn-mower layer leachate leaf-cutter lean-to lean-tos leaning leashed leathered lebanese lee leering left-hander left-winger legalist legalized legato legitimating legitimized lengthened lensing leveled leveraged levitated lexicalised lexicalized li libeled liberalized liberationist libyan licked life-support lift-off lightened lights-out liked limbed limiting linebacking lingering lip-sync lip-synching lip-syncing lipid liter literalist lithuanian litigated liv livery loaned loathed loather loblolly lobotomized localised located lock-step locker-room lofted logged loner long-haul longhand longleaf longsuffering looking looky looming loosened lovably low-life low-pass low-rise lowball lowered lowing lowland lowlander loyalist lugged luminary lumped lunging lusitanian lutheran luxe lxx lyophilised maasai macedonian macerated machine-gun macho macroinvertebrate maddened madding made magnetised magnifying magyar mail-order mainer mainstreamed majuscule make-believe make-work malagasy malay malaysian malfunctioning maligner malingering maltese maltreated man-at-arms manacled managed managing maniac manic-depression manicured manipulated mantled manx many mapmaking marbleized marian marinated mariner mark-to-market market-research marooned marred martian marxist masculinized mashed mass-produce massacred massaged massed mastered mat match-up matched matchmaking materialist materialized matt matter matured maturing maundy mauritian maven maximising maximized maximizing mazed meagerly means-testing meatpacking medevac mediated mediating medicated mediterranean melanesian mellowed memorized men-at-arms mennonite mentioned mercerised mercerized merging merry-go-round meshed mesmerizing mesolithic mesozoic messed meta-analyses metalloid metamorphosed metaphysic metastasized meteoroid metered methionine methodist metrosexual mexican microblogging microfilmed microwaved mid-air mid-season midget midocean midrange midsole midstream midstride midthigh midyear miffed mildewed militarised militarized milker milkweed millennialist million mimeographed minacious mincing mind-reading mined mingled mini minimized ministrant minoan minter mired mirrored misapplied miscalculated misconceived misconstrued misdiagnosed misdirected miser mish-mash mishandled mislabeled mislaid misled mismanaged misnamed misrelated misrepresented missed missionary mississippian misspelled misted misunderstood mitered mobbed mocker mod modeled modeler moderating modernised modulated mohammedan moire moistened moldavian molded moldovan molested moneran mongol mongoloid monocoque monogrammed monophysite monopolized monosyllable more mormon moroccan mortared mortgaged mortified moslem most mothballed mothering motored motorised mounded mourning mouth-to-mouth moveable mowed mown much muckraking muffled mugged mujahideen mulched mulled multi-instrumentalist multi-tasking multilayer multiplexer multiplied multipole multistorey multitouch mumbled muni mural murdered murmured murmuring muscovite mushrooming mussed must must-read muster muted muttered muzzy mycenaean mycophenolate mylar mythologized n-word napped napping narcotizing narrated narrowed narrowing nationalized nativist naturalised naturalized nauruan nazi neap neapolitan nearshore nebbish necropsy neg negated negotiated neither neo neoclassicist neoconservative neolithic nepalese nesting nestled netted nettled neutered neutralised neutralized new-model newsgathering nibbling nicked nicknamed nigerian nigh night-time nilotic nine nineteen ninety nipping nitty-gritty no no-brainer no-hitter no-show nodding nodulated nominating non-disclosure non-existence non-expert non-fiction non-human non-member non-professional non-professionals non-profit non-random non-science noncapitalist noncitizen noncombatant noncommunist nondelinquent none nonfood nonimmigrant noninterventionist nonlawyer nonmetal nonminority nonpareil nonpatient nonplused nonracist nonrelative nonscience nonsense nonveteran nonwork norepinephrine norman northeasterner norther northerner norwegian nos notated noticed notified nubian numbed number-crunching numbered numbing numeral numidian nursed nutraceutical o-ring obliterate obliterated obscured observing obstructed obviating ocher off-brand off-hours off-roading off-season offending offered offset offsetting offsides ok okinawan old-man old-school old-timer oliver olympian omani omitted one-and-done one-of-a-kind oozing opaqued open-mindedness opened opener operating-room operationalized opponent opportunist orchestrated ordovician oregonian organdy organised orientalist orientated orienting ornamented orthoptic ottoman out-of-bounds out-of-doors outbred outcaste outclassed outfitted outgrown outlaw outlined outnumbered outsider outthrust overachieving overawed overcome overcomer overdeveloped overdrawn overexploited overfilled overflowing overgrazed overhanging overheard overlooking overnighter overpaid overproduced overreaching oversaturated overstaffed overstocked overstory overstressed overstretched overtaxed overturned overvalued overwhelmed overwintering owned owner oxidant oxidizing oxygenate oxygenating pacifist packaged padlocked paid painted paired pakistani palaeolithic palatalized palauan paleolithic paleozoic palestinian palpitating pampered pampering pan-american pan-fried pan-fry pancaked panegyric papist par paralegal paralyzed paraphrased pared parented parents-in-law pari-mutuel paring parisian parmesan paroled part-timer parted participating particularised particularized partizan parvenue pass passer past-tense pasted pastel paster pasteurised pasteurized pastured pater patronised patronising patronized pauline pay-as-you-go pay-per-view paying peacekeeping peanut pearler pecking pedaler pee-wee peeved peg-legged pegged pelecypod penaeid penalized penciled pencilled pendant penned pennyroyal pentecostal pentobarbital peopled perambulating perforating periodized perished perjured permeating persecuted persian persisting personal-computer personalist personified perturbing peruvian pessimum pestered pestering pet peter phenylalanine philandering philharmonic philhellene phishing phoenician phospholipid photocopied photocopying phrygian pianissimo picked pierced pigmented pilfered pillaged pinch-hit pinch-hitting pinched ping-pong pinioned pinkly pinned piped piqued pirated pistol-whipped pitying pivoting pizzicato placating place-name placed plagiarised plagued plaited planed planetesimal planked planted plasticized plated platted played playmaking plea-bargain plea-bargained pled pledged pleistocene plotted plugged plumber plummeting plumping plundering pluralist pocketed poked polish polisher polka-dot polled pollinating polycarbonate polythene pom-pom pomade pomaded pondering pooled pop-culture popped popularized portal ported porter portrayed portuguese posed posited positioned positioning positivist post post-op post-production postdiluvian posted poster postgraduation postmortem postulated potbelly potted potty-training pouched poured pouring power-line practised practising praising pre-arranged pre-empted pre-emption pre-existing pre-game pre-paid pre-production pre-recorded pre-set pre-teen prearranged prebaked precedented precipitating preconditioned preconstruction precooked precooled precut predated predawn predestinarian predestinate predestined predigested predisposing predominate preestablished preexisting prefab preform preheated preinstalled preload premade premed premiere prep preponderating prepped preprinted preprocessing preprogrammed prequalified prereading prescreened present-tense presenter preserved presocratic press-ganged pressured presto presupposed pretend pretended pretender prewashed prewritten priced primer printer private-eye privateer privatized prize pro proclaimed produced professionalized proffered profiled progressivist proliferating promised promoted prompter promulgated proof-of-concept proofed propellant propelled propelling prorated prospering prostituted protecting proterozoic protestant prototyping protruding proved provoked provoking pruned prussian prying pseudoephedrine pseudohermaphrodite public-school publicised publicized puckered puddled puff puffer puffing pull-down pulldown pulled pulsating pulverised pulverized pummeled punched punic punjabi pure-bred pureed purged purging purifying purling purloined pursed purslane pursued pursuing push-back pushbutton pushed pyknic quadruped quaintly quaker qualifying quarried quarter-century quarterfinal quavering quebecois quelled quenched questing questioned quick-draw quickened quinolone quit quoted race-baiting racialist racialized racked racking radiated radiating radio ragweed raiding railed raining raised raising rallying rambling rampaging ramped randomised ranging ransacked ransomed rant raped rarified rated ratified rationalist rationed rattan rattled ravaged ravaging raveled razed razorback razored razzle-dazzle re-elect re-elected re-emerging re-use reacquainted readymade realised realist realized reanimated rear-end rear-ended rearing reasoning reassigned reassured reawakened rebranded rebuilt recalled receding recessional recharged reciprocated recirculated recirculating reclined recluse recollected recommended reconciled reconciling reconditioned reconfigured reconstructionist record recorder recounted recovering recreated recruited rectified recuperated red-eye redecorated redeeming redefined redesigned redirected rediscovered redistributed redistributionist redoubled reechoing reel-to-reel reemphasized reengineered referenced referent referred refiguring refinanced refinished refocused reformed reforming reformulated refracted refreshed refried refrigerating refused regarded regenerate regenerating regent regularized regurgitated rehabbed rehabilitated rehearsed reheated rehydrated reified reigned reimagined reimbursed reincarnate reincarnated reinvented reinvested reissued rejected rejoicing rejuvenated rekindled relaxant releasing relegated relinquished reloaded relocated remembered remodeled remunerated renamed renegade renegotiated renewed renewing renovated renter reoccurring reopened reorganised repackaged repainted repaired repatriated repellant repelled repelling replaced replicated repossessed represented repressing reproduced repulsed repurposed requited rescheduled rescued resected resented reserve reset resettled reshaped resinated resolved resonating resourced respondent restated restoring restraining restrictionist restructured restyled resurrected resuscitated retailer retained retooled retreating return returned returning reunified reused revamped reverberating reverse-engineering reversed reverting reviewed reviled revisited revitalised revitalising revitalizing revived reviving revoked revolted revolutionized revolved revolving rhenish rhymed rhyming ribboned ridged ridiculed right-click right-hander right-of-way right-winger rightist rights-of-way righty riled riming rinsed ripened ripening rippled rippling risen ritardando ritualized rival riveted roasted roaster roasting robbed rock-bottom rocketing rocking roiled roiling role-play roll-out roll-over rolled rolling romance romani romanian romansh romanticist romany rooming roosted roped rose-petal rotting rouged roughdried roughened roughy round-robin round-trip rowan royalist rubber ruffianly ruined rum rummy run-off runaway rundown rusher russian rust rusting rustling rustproofed rutting saber-rattling sacked sacrificed saddened sagging salter saltine salvaged salving samaritan sambal samoan sampled sampler sanctioned sanctioning sandbagged sandblasted sanded sangfroid sanitised sanitized sapiens saracen sardinian satellite saudi saute sauteed saving sawed sawn saxon scalded scaled scammed scandalmongering scarred scavenged scavenging sceptered sceptred schistosome schooled scissored sclerosing scooped scoped scot-free scots scoured scowling scraped scraper scraping scrapped screened screenwriting screw-top scribbled scrolled scrolling scrubbed scrunched scrunchy scrutinized scrying scurrying scuttled scythian seamed sear seat-belt seated sec second-guess second-guessed seconder sectioned secularized sedated sedating see-saw seeping seized self self-absorption self-acceptance self-actualization self-analysis self-assurance self-censorship self-concept self-criticism self-deception self-defense self-denial self-destructed self-destructing self-destruction self-discipline self-doubt self-employment self-examination self-fulfillment self-gratification self-hatred self-help self-image self-improvement self-indulgence self-injury self-medication self-organization self-pity self-portrait self-preservation self-promotion self-protection self-realization self-reliance self-selection self-storage self-study self-talk sell-through semi semi-circle semiautomatic semitic senegalese sensationalized sensed sensitised sensitising sent sentimentalized serbo-croatian serialized serpentinite servo set-piece seven seventeenth seventy several sewed sewn sexualized shaken shamanist shamed shaming shaping sharing sharpshooting shattering shaved sheared shearling sheathed shed sheet-metal shelled shifted shifting shiite shimmering shingled shinto shirred shivering shodden shoed shona shoot-out shopaholic shorn short-circuit short-circuited short-cut shortchanged shortened shorthand shorty shoulder-to-shoulder shouted shoveled show-off showcased shrieked shrilled shrimping shrink-wrap shucked shuddering shunned shut shut-off shuttered siamese sichuan sicilian side side-effect sidearm sided sidetracked sign signal-to-noise signaled signaler signatory signer signified sikh silesian silhouetted silkscreen simmering simpering simplifying singaporean singed singer-songwriter single-spaced single-wide sinhala sinhalese sinning sintered sioux sippy six six-pack sixteenth sixty size skeletally sketched skewer skewered skied skimmed skinny-dip skinny-dipping skirting slackened slam-dunk slammed slanting slapped slapstick slashing slaughtered slav slaver slavonic slicked slighted slimed slipped slipping slithering slivered slopped slouched slovak slubbed sluicing slurred smack-dab smalltown smarty smeared smelling smoldering smoothed smoothened smothered smothering smouldering snafu snap snapped snarled sneak sneaker sneaking sneering snipped snowballing snuff snuffer snuffling snugged snuggled social-science socialised socked soft-pedaled soft-pedaling softening sold solder soldering soled solicited solidified somali some son-of-a-bitch songwriter sopranino soprano sorbed sorbent sorrowing sotho soughing sought sound-alike sounded southerner sown soy space-time spaced spacewalking spackled spading spanish spanked spattered spayed speed-dating speed-dial spelled sphingine spic spick spilled spiraling spiralling spirally splashed splattered splayed splayfoot spliced splintered split-second splotched sponsored sported sportfishing spotlighted spotlit sprained sprawled sprayed spread spreader sprigged springer spun spurned spurting sputtered squab squalling squandered square-root squeaking squealed squealing squeezed squinched squint squinting squirreled squirting stabbed stabile stabilised stabilising stabilized stabilizing stage-whispered stair-step stalemated stalked stalled stamped standby staple stapled stapler star starboard starer staring starred start-up starting starving state-of-the-art statuary statute steadied steadying stealth steeped steered stenciled step-father stepping-stone sterilised sterilized sticking stiffened stinting stippled stir-fries stir-fry stirred stitched stocked stocker stop-loss stop-motion straggling straightened straining strait strangled straying streambed strep stretch stretched stretcher strip-mined strip-searched striper stripped strobing strong-armed strong-arming struck struggling strung stuccoed studied stung stupefying stymied sub sub-category subdominant subgoal subjugated sublimate sublimated sublimed submariner submersed subordinated subordinating subpoenaed subscribed subscript subsided subsiding substantiating substitute substituted subtotal suburbanized subverted suckled sudanese suffocating suffused sufi sugar-coated sumac sumerian summed summoned sunbaked sung sunk sunset sup super-rich supercool supergiant supernaturalist superscript supersize supersized supplied suppressed surd surface surfaced surging surmounted surpassing surrendered surround-sound surrounded surveyed surviving swabian swaddled swaddling swagger swaggering swahili swallowed swank swayback swedish sweet-talk sweet-talked sweet-talking sweetheart swell swelled swelling swept swimming swinging swiss switched switching swollen swooning synthesised syrian systematized t-bill t-test tachinid tacked tahitian tai taiwanese take-home talebearing talk-radio tamil tangled tanning tap-dance tap-dancing tape-record taped tapering tapped tarnished tarred tartar task-force tattling tatty taught taxidermy tear-gassed tearaway teased teasing tee-ball teeming teen teenager teething teetotaler telecommunication telemarketing telescoped telescoping televised tempering ten tenanted tended tenderised tenderized tending tensed terahertz term-limit term-limited terminated terraced terrorized test-drive tester testimonial tethered texan textualist textualized texturizing thai thatched thawed theist thematized thenar theorized thermoset thickened thickening thinking thinned thiopental thirteen thirty thoriated thousand thracian three three-pointer three-way threescore threshing thrombosed thronged throwback thrown thrusting thudding thumping thwarted thwarting thyroid tibetan tic-tac-toe ticketed tie-dye tie-dyed tightened time-delay time-scale time-share time-travel time-zone timeserving tingling tinseled tipped tiptoe tiptop tire-pressure titan titillated tittering tlingit tod toilet-paper toiling toned tongan toning tonsured tooled toolshed toper topped topping toppled tops torched tormented torn torqued tortured torturing totalizing touch-screen touchscreen toughened tow-truck towed toxic-waste toy traced tracked tracking tractor-trailer traded trader traditionalist trafficked trailer-park trampled tranquilising tranquilizing tranquillizing transcended transcribed transfigured transfixing transfused transhistorical translated transpiring transplanted transported transposed transvestite trash-talking traumatized traumatizing traversed travertine tree-ring trellised trembling trespassing triangulate triangulated triassic tricentenary trick-or-treat tried trig trihydroxy trilled trillion trimer trinitarian tripled tripping trivialized trucking trumped trumpeted truncated trussed trusted trusting tuareg tucked tuff tufted tumbled tumeric tuna-fish turbofan turkic turkish turmeric turn-around turn-by-turn turn-off turned tuscan tutoring tutsi tween twelfth twelve twenty twentysomething twin twining twinned two two-liter two-seater two-step two-stroke typhoid tyrolean ugandan ult ultimo umbrella umbrian unattired unbarred unbeknownst unbound unbraced unbuckled unbundled unburdened unchristianly unclipped unclogged uncoiled uncorked uncuffed uncurled undeceived underachieved underappreciated underclass undercoated undercounted underestimated underexposed undergirded underinflated underlined undermined underperformed underplanted undersealed undertreated underway underwhelmed undreamed unearthed unfolded unfurled ungeared unguent unharnessed uninitiate union unitized universalized universalizing unleashed unlimbered unloosed unmannerly unnerved unnerving unpicked unpinned unraveled unreeled unrolled unscrambled unseamed unselected unshackled unsheathed unshoed unsnapped unsnarled unspooled unstrapped unstrung unstuck untangled unthought untwisted unveiled unwired unwished unzipped upended uplifted upraised upriver uprooted upside uptown upward urbanised urbanized utile utilised utility uttered v-chip vacated vagabond vagrant valencian valerian validating vanished vanishing vaporized vapourised varying vascularized vaudevillian vegetated velvet vending veneered venerated venerating venetian venezuelan vented ventilated verbalised verbalized verifying vest veterinarian vexing vi victimised victimized victorian videotaped viennese vietnamese vilified virginian virtualized visible-light visiting visualised visualized vitalizing vitiated voided volatilized volumizing voluntarist volunteer voluptuary volute vulcanised vulcanized wadded waged wailing waiting waived wakeup walkie-talkie warehoused warfighting warming warning warred wasabi washed waster water-skiing watercress wavetable waxing wayfinding weakening weaned wearied wearying weather web-site wed wedged weeping weight-lifting weight-training welded welfare-to-work welsh westernized westside whacking wheedling wheezing whig whimsy whipping whirring whispered whistle-blower whistle-blowing white-meat white-out whitened whittled whiz-bang wholegrain wholesaler whooping whooshing wiccan wide-body widened wielded wigged wild-card wild-type wildcard window-shopping winking wintergreen wintering wireframe wiretapped wisecracking witch-hunt witching withholding wizard wobbling won wonder wondering woolgathering word-of-mouth worded work-release worked world world-view worsened worsening worshipped wound wounding wrecking wrenched wrenching wriggling writhed writhing wronged x-ray x-rayed xeroxed xi yankee yard-sale yelled yellowing yiddish yin-yang yonder yoruba yowling zapotec zapped zillion zimbabwean zionist zippered zoned zulu

jdchoi77 commented 8 years ago

Wow, this is a long list; same issue with the noun cases. I guess we should modifying these lists as it goes since there is no easy way of doing this automatically.

avostryakov commented 8 years ago

We will check it manually :) It takes some time. When we finish I'll say you.