emotional-cities / pluma-experiments

Data acquisition and benchmark workflows for the wearable data collection unit
MIT License
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Add DEV tools instructions (Studio Code and GIT) #60

Open Pedrorocha-cpu opened 8 months ago

Pedrorocha-cpu commented 8 months ago

Visual Studio Code

  1. Download and run Visual Studio Code.
  2. Make sure "Add to PATH" option is checked.

Git for Windows

  1. Download and run Git for Windows.
  2. Select components: uncheck all except Git LFS.
  3. Default editor: Visual Studio Code.
  4. Override default branch name: main
  5. Choose "Git from the command line and also from 3rd party software".
  6. Use bundled OpenSSH.
  7. Use native Windows Secure Channel library.
  8. Checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-style line endings.
  9. Use default console window.
  10. Default (fast-forward or merge).
  11. Use default Git credential manager.
  12. Leave at defaults for everything else.
  13. Open command prompt (cmd.exe) or PowerShell.
  14. Configure git user and email with:
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "you@example.com"
Pedrorocha-cpu commented 8 months ago

Deployment Instructions

The Project Aeon acquisition framework runs on the Bonsai visual programming language. This repository includes installation scripts which will automatically download and configure a reproducible, self-contained, Bonsai environment to run all acquisition systems. It is necessary, however, to install a few system dependencies and device drivers which need to be installed separately, before running the environment configuration script.

Prerequisites These should only need to be installed once on a fresh new system, and are not required if simply refreshing the install or deploying to a new folder.

Windows 10/11 Visual Studio Code (recommended for editing code scripts and git commits) .NET Framework 4.7.2 Developer Pack (required for intellisense when editing code scripts) Git for Windows (recommended for cloning and manipulating this repository)

Pedrorocha-cpu commented 8 months ago

add instructions for git clone and bonsai setup

Pedrorocha-cpu commented 8 months ago

Unity Editor chose "skipping installatio open unity project in github repo folder, in unityHub chose "Add Project from disk" (ex AlfamaVR) Install the unity version that shuld be missing clarify "Installing a package from GitHub in Unity", that this step is done in unity3d