emperorshammer / issues-incoming-queue

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Squadron ReMob #172

Closed TCPhoenixBerkana closed 1 year ago

TCPhoenixBerkana commented 1 year ago

Can we update https://tc.emperorshammer.org/comps/remob4.php to reflect any of the new tasks listed here: https://tc.emperorshammer.org/competitions.php?id=3571

Some logic would need to be run on the following:

  1. Tier points target, pro-rated depending on number of pilots in a squadron using the following math: (# of submissions required / 12) * # of pilots assigned, rounded up to a whole number.
  2. Value of the points being gained:3.

Single Player TIE Fighter – 2 points per mission X-Wing vs TIE Fighter – 2 points per mission X-Wing Alliance – 3 points per mission TIE Fighter Total Conversion – 3 points per mission X-Wing – 4 points per mission

MP: Legions of Skirmish (PvE) Star Conflict – 1 points per victory X-Wing vs TIE Fighter – 2 points per victory X-Wing Alliance – 2 points per victory TIE Fighter Total Conversion – 2 points per victory Star Wars Squadrons – 2 points per victory Empire at War – 2 points per victory Star Wars: The Old Republic – 4 points per victory Battlefront 1 – 4 points per victory Elite Dangerous – 4 points per victory Battlefront 2 – 5 points per victory

MP: Legions of Combat (PvP) Star Conflict – 4 points per victory X-Wing vs TIE Fighter – 4 points per victory X-Wing Alliance – 4 points per victory TIE Fighter Total Conversion – 4 points per victory Battlefront 1 – 7 points per victory Battlefront 2 – 6 points per victory Star Wars Squadrons – 7 points per victory Empire at War – 7 points per victory Elite Dangerous – 5 points per victory Star Wars: The Old Republic – 7 points per victory