emperorshammer / issues-incoming-queue

This is the incoming issues queue for Internet Office-supported projects (sites and applications). Use this repository to request feature enhancements or report bugs.
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Minor issue - No means to remove profile picture. #189

Closed robertehogan closed 9 months ago

robertehogan commented 9 months ago

There does not appear to be any way to remove an "avatar" from an EH profile (i.e. remove a TC character profile picture). Clicking the "update profile" button on editaccount.php?tab=character when an image is not selected simply defaults to the original image assigned to the character. If there is a means to remove an avatar, it might benefit from additional explanation on how that should be done to make sure that it is as accessible as possible to members. If there is not currently a means for this, uploaduni.php might allow for an easy copying of the PHP functionality to this specific application?

turtlexiv commented 9 months ago

Updated; see https://tc.emperorshammer.org/changelog.php