emperorshammer / issues-incoming-queue

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Minor issue - IU/Qualification notifications don't always go to CoCs #197

Closed robertehogan closed 8 months ago

robertehogan commented 8 months ago

When a member completes an IU course or qualification, not all of their chains of command are notified, only the one set as "default character". For example, a VA profile in the EH might have their EH superior get an email, but their character as a COL in the TIE Corps would not have any of their TC CoC getting an email. I would assume that since IU courses/qualifications are listed as "appl[ying] to all of this member's characters" that all relevant superiors would seek to be notified of this activity through the usual methods. However, since newly-completed IU courses are accessible through other means during monthly evaluations, this is likely not a pressing issue to fix.

turtlexiv commented 8 months ago

This is a known limitation and you are correct - currently it's set up where the notification goes to the default character.

Sending this to all of the characters is probably the right approach.

turtlexiv commented 8 months ago

Closed by emperorshammer/tiecorps#745 .