empira / PDFsharp-1.5

A .NET library for processing PDF
MIT License
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Is this project now abandoned? #151

Closed stap123 closed 1 year ago

stap123 commented 2 years ago

Just wondering what the plans are for this project. There's been no new commits for over 2 years. No sign of moving to the new .net (soon to be .net 6) and no closing of PRs.

Is the project officially dead? Can the community take over it's management to modernise and improve it? Will someone take responsibility for merging PRs if they're submitted so it doesn't die?

There must be massive performance gains to be had moving to the new versions as every version of .net/.net core improved performance all the way up the stack.

Great project, just seems to have lost momentum. 😕

Looks like this is the more up to date version? PdfSharpCore

TH-Soft commented 2 years ago

This is not the master repository of the project. The project is not dead. I don't know when the next release will be made available to the public.

stap123 commented 2 years ago

Can you find out and give us a ball park date/season/year for it?

Saying it's not dead when everything about this repo tells everyone it is isn't really that helpful I'm afraid.

Will this package be updated to the new .NET at some point? If that's your intention, roughly when? (a year would be better than we currently have)

TH-Soft commented 2 years ago

There are plans for internal builds with .NET 5 or .NET 6. I cannot yet say when they will be published. PDFsharp receives no revenues. Therefore other tasks have higher priority.

stap123 commented 2 years ago

Yeah I totally understand that, I wasn't trying to demand you did the work.

I (and I think the community) just wanted some clarity over the plans. If we know what you're planning it means people won't waste their time submitting pull requests containing the same work. If we don't know what's going on people may look to move to other libraries or find other solutions since from the look of this repo there has been no activity for a long time.

Thanks for providing some additional clarity around the issue.

Have you thought about moving the main repo to GitHub to allow the community to contribute things back to project? Maybe you'd even get a .NET 5/6 upgrade submitted to you by someone if they needed it for a project!

TH-Soft commented 2 years ago

This is not the master repository. We haven't decided yet how to bring PRs to the master repository. Some bug fixes were incorporated manually.

People just create PRs without getting in touch before they do it. No tests, no PDF files included to verify the changes, changes of the .NET platform that were not negotiated with us. Documentation is not always on the level we want.

Some want PDFsharp for .NET 4, some for .NET 5, some for .NET 6. It's easy to make it compile with .NET 6 and comment out what no longer works ...

stap123 commented 2 years ago

It sounds like a lot of your problems with the current process would disappear if you simply switched over to using GitHub as the main repository 🤷

People would be able to see current work, communicate with the team and you could even assign up-for-grabs to issues you'd like help with.

It sounds like the projects suffering from lack of internal momentum so why not move it over and get some help from the community!

flensrocker commented 2 years ago

I guess you might miss the point. It's a project that a company needed and decided to open source it. But it generates no revenue, so time to maintain this is limited to things that are needed for (other) payed projects.

Maintaining such a project in the open will be more work than now... But I only speak for me, I am in no associated with Pdfsharp nor Empira.

I maintain a fork on my own, ported it to .Net Standard 2.0 - but I only need Pdfsharp.dll, because I only generate PDFs, I do not read/modify them. So a port of that part was easy.

BTW: Thanks for this great library!

stap123 commented 2 years ago

Yeah I understand what they're saying and I understand that moving to GitHub creates a different problem with regard to reviewing PRs etc.

But it sounds like they're actively working on the project in "the other repo" and because that isn't visible to the community we don't know what's going on or what's planned or what PRs have been accepted or anything. (The last commit in master was 14th March 2019!)

Moving to GitHub would at least let everyone 👀 what's going on 😃

Solving the issue of not having time to review PRs and manage issues etc is a different thing but at the moment all we know is:

This is not the master repository of the project. The project is not dead. I don't know when the next release will be made available to the public.

Which is nothing really and at least visibility would allow some questions about longevity to be answered.

I apologise if my comments seemed to not take this into account or offended anyone, that was not my intention.

BTW: Thanks for this great library!

I agree! Thanks for the library it's great, that's why I was asking 😃 🥂 🎊

psined1 commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for being a great product for many years in the past.

Also looking for answers, just like the OP. Claiming the product is maintained without a backing reference to up-to-date code repository is a major concern, especially for companies with controlled OSS processes - will it be abandoned? will it be commercialized?... many questions. If it is not maintained anymore, why not state it loud and clear? Is it maintained on github, or on sourceforge, or elsewhere? Thank you for understanding our concerns.

TH-Soft commented 2 years ago

It is maintained in a private repository on Azure DevOps. Are you any wiser now? I know what I know. I won't provide any evidence. I don't care if you don't believe me. I cannot say when a new beta version will be publicly available here on GitHub.

badbod99 commented 2 years ago

It is maintained in a private repository on Azure DevOps.

Basically development on this project is no longer open-source, but the legacy codebase found here is. With no updates for years, I do not recommend building new software using it.

ThomasHoevel commented 2 years ago

Basically development on this project is no longer open-source, but the legacy codebase found here is. With no updates for years, I do not recommend building new software using it.

That is your opinion.

PDFsharp is mature code that allows creating PDF files. Porting it to .NET Core requires massive changes; this is work in progress and changes will be available when they are sufficiently stable.

If PDFsharp does the job, I do not see a reason not to use it for new Windows software.

badbod99 commented 2 years ago

If PDFsharp does the job, I do not see a reason not to use it for new Windows software.

Agreed. If you can fully verify it will handle all use cases you will encounter or are willing to fork and modify it to fix issues and add required functionality, sure, use the current open-source codebase found in this repo.

ThomasHoevel commented 1 year ago

Preview 1 of PDFsharp 6.0.0 is now available.