empira / PDFsharp-1.5

A .NET library for processing PDF
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XPS to PDF #177

Open GovindRulz opened 1 year ago

GovindRulz commented 1 year ago

Why was the XPS to PDF functionality removed? Any way to do that in 1.5 ? We are currently using customized 1.32 Version (Migrated to core) to achieve XPS to PDF Conversion. But we are facing some memory leak issues with fonts. any way you can help us with this ?

ThomasHoevel commented 1 year ago

The XPS to PDF functionality was no longer maintained while we moved from 1.31 to 1.32 and further to 1.50. Not enough time to maintain everything. Font handling was reworked for version 1.50. If you can replicate bugs or memory leaks with the latest 1.51 PDFsharp version, then we can investigate the issue.

GovindRulz commented 1 year ago

Thank you Thomas for responding , The thing is we use XPS for dynamic XAML templates based printing (codereason a long abandoned project). we have been using this set up since 2013 i guess. Generating 1 or 2 PDFs once in a while we dint have issues of any major impact , now when we generate 100's of PDF files back to back is when we have to fix this memory leak. It would be great if you could help us Migrate the XPS conversion functionality to 1.51. What ever we have been using we have Migrated it to core, we are thinking of making it cross platform. do you think it is feasible ?