empira / PDFsharp

PDFsharp and MigraDoc Foundation for .NET 6 and .NET Framework
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How to split page into multiple columns like MS WORD in MigraDoc? #126

Open CaiZhibo opened 2 weeks ago

CaiZhibo commented 2 weeks ago

For example, I want to split a page into two columns, and when text was filling on the page, left half page will be filled first, then right half page. Could MigraDOC layout engine do this automatically?

TH-Soft commented 2 weeks ago

This can be done semi-automatically. For the body text, create a document where page size is column size. When rendering the final document, draw two pages from the "column document" onto the final page.

CaiZhibo commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your prompt reply, I'll have a try.