emposha / FCBKcomplete

Jquery facebook like(fancy) multi-select
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Showing the same result multiple times #71

Closed ghalawi closed 12 years ago

ghalawi commented 12 years ago

Dear Developers,

I am using fcbkcomplete in my own web application, but I am having a problem while searching. The same result is being shown several times. I am fetching the results from a single table.

Example: If I start writing alex though alex exist only once in the table it is showing several times in the results.

Hope to hear from you soon concerning this problem.

Thank you

emposha commented 12 years ago

Hi @ghalawi, please check the json that you get from server side, probably you select is wrong, also it`s hard to tell what exactly the problem without demo.

ghalawi commented 12 years ago

@empsha the problem is really simple every name I try to search for is being duplicated several times. Sometimes twice, and sometimes six times. How can I attach a preview of what is happening to this issue ?

emposha commented 12 years ago

is our web application online that I can check it by my self? or maybe you can attach here a result from json request (by using firebug on firefox)?