empowerhack / DML-Campaign-Tool

Draw My Life's visual campaign interface presenting drawing and data visualizations
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Further DU Campaign-Current Projects Research #6

Open rocioleon opened 7 years ago

rocioleon commented 7 years ago


After the call with Camille from Tdh last 15th Nov., we were advised to focus on the DU's 9 Principles instead of their 10 Demands. Also, to look at the MyDestination app

Therefore, further research is needed as well as users case scenarios to present the potential of DML to the leaders of DU during our next call.

1-Research about the projects that DU are working on currently (to learn from) -What projects are similar to DML? Where? How is the data used? http://destination-unknown.org/mario-project-to-protect-children-on-the-move-in-europe/ http://destination-unknown.org/app/

2-Identify what ACTIONS can DML support (from our previous doc. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qs_NNAsW-L4AH-ZvwFSvmc8aw6i9gixEV-r_BPrhAZ0/edit

-We believe in youth http://destination-unknown.org/we-believe-in-youth/ There are two Core Actions in this Framework which DML speaks to: -CORE ACTION 4 Support Refugee Youth physical and emotional wellbeing. -CORE ACTION 7: Generate data and evidence on Refugee Youth to promote accountability to youth (DML works with facilitators to collect drawings and data from programmes, which may be coordinated by the young refugees themselves)

3-Users case scenarios


rocioleon commented 7 years ago

Hi @CathMollie here are the two use cases we talked about. Let me know your thoughts UseCase-for-DU-Presentation.pdf


CathMollie commented 7 years ago


1. Add copy beneath title 'We Believe in Youth' There are two ways in which Draw My Life can support the core actions identified in this Report:

2. Add copy to Core Actions Core Action 4: By highlighting - through the drawings and stories of the children, and the testimonials of field workers gathering drawings - the importance of services and activities for the mental, emotional, and physical health and happiness of youth refugees.

Core Action 7: By gathering and supplying quality data on young refugees and their context, across different sectors, to help humanitarian actors plan and design for youth programming.

3. Change copy about field worker portal

Label should read: Draw My Life Portal (not API)

Copy: The interactions between the field worker and the child are highly personalised. Field workers gather details about the child's experience, plus demographical data, and attach this to the uploaded drawing. They are trained to ensure that the data they collect will not identify the child or their family.

Visual/icon: I think it will be clearer if you show one icon of the fieldworker and the children; and then another visual of the fieldworker uploading the drawing, using the portal

4. NGOs using the data

Title: Change from 'NGOs those in support of etc' to 'NGOs advocating for improved youth services for refugees, as part of the Destination Unknown campaign'

Visual/icon: It needs to be clearer that the NGOs are using the DU interface to search for data and evidence

Copy: Policy workers and campaigners can access a Draw My Life portal to search for descriptive, emotive, and demographic data, in support of their work on refugee children's rights. The data may be used to support calls for better youth services and recreational programmes.

5. Add a new section

Title: Establishing new recreational programmes

Visual/icon: Refugee youths. Do as separate visual or loop back to existing visual of field worker & children. The idea is to show the use case as a virtuous circle. Each stage of this circular journey feeds the next stage.

Copy: New youth programmes are established and more data is collected. Terre des hommes and other NGO users are able to make connections between the drawing, context and demographic of the child and use this to build a powerful message about the real differences support services can make.

Extra visual/icon: Data visualization, perhaps linked to icons of children to show how the data builds up from the personal contributions of the children.

Add key message: In contributing their drawings and data, the children can begin to regain some control over their future well-being.

6. DrawMyLife in partnership with Destination Unknown Campaign ...

Change copy to: '... will provide a unique set of data created by and about children who are facing challenges on the move. The shared goal is to raise awareness of the challenges and support action designed to meet them'

CathMollie commented 7 years ago


I feel that MyD and DML are doing quite different things. MyD is like a personal diary and is for use by the child. DML is collecting anonymised data in support of child refugee rights, and it's for use by the fieldworker.

I think your first point is the way we would go - i.e. MyD (with the map-like UI) gives us a nice reference and framework for displaying data.

However, there may be an opportunity for collaboration if, say, the MyD map is hot-spotted with drawings and stories. This gives the children an opportunity to view the experiences of others (even though anonymous). Not sure about this, but we could explore with DU in the call.

I don't think we would connect actual drawings with the children's diary entries in MyD because (1) child doing the drawing would need to be using MyD also which is very unlikely; (2) issues over identifiable information.

In terms of the use case visual:


rocioleon commented 7 years ago

usecase-for-du-presentation-cs6version-03 ![Uploading UseCase-for-DU-Presentation-CS6version-04.jpg…]()

rocioleon commented 7 years ago

Hi Cath, I looks easy to get it done but it takes time to have everything in place in a clear order that make sense. I think this is now clear.

Regarding the MyDestination App use case, your comment about (On the right-hand side of the map, have the Children adding data about their stories into the MyD app. Shows how the two platforms 'come together'). I don't think this is a good idea. They are two different app and I think it should remain as it is.

Now, what I like about the MyDestination app is how data is presented by using figures and percentages and tags to read more about story of the child. I think this is what we could take away for us to improve our app. This is the reason I kept that use case as it is.

I hope this works. Let me know your thoughts.

rocioleon commented 7 years ago
