empowerhack / DrawMyLife-Service

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Confirm HXL dataset design for HDX integration (first iteration) #146

Closed krissy closed 7 years ago

krissy commented 7 years ago

Blocks: #145, #147


We want to finalize the data design for our first iteration of an open HXL-formatted dataset to share with the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX), helping visualise the "Number of displaced children and their conveyed moods in art therapy".

We have been collaborating with HDX staff with this Google Spreadsheet and are almost there. We need to lock in what our first version of this dataset is and confirm when we can unblock our internal data tasks in #145 and #147.

Pending Confirmation


Finalize data design with team and HDX, including confirming any custom data tags we need. When this is done, update the ticket in #145 and start progress on it.

CathMollie commented 7 years ago

Call with HDX scheduled (9/2 TBC) so we can confirm all of the above. @marizoldi

CathMollie commented 7 years ago

@krissy If you are happy with changes to hashtags, this issue can now close.

Still to do: Update actual values in Mood now that we are expressing data differently.

What's next: Mariza has opened #148 to take forward data modelling, based on these hashtags

krissy commented 7 years ago

@CathMollie @marizoldi awesome! Yep, if you're all happy and have cross-checked with the team at HXL's end then :+1: from me! This is the first iteration in any case so if we find anything new when picking up the dependent tickets then things are flexible and we can revisit.